I truly believe in our culture today that we are not personally practicing honoring God and others in our lives, as we should. What is more alarming to me is that as a result we are not teaching our youth the importance of honoring others because we do not practice it ourselves.

When we honor others we are also honoring God. We are letting God know that we are grateful for those individuals and that we do not take for granted their presence in our lives. The people in our lives are God’s living representatives. God may talk to us and help us in many ways through them.

I cannot help but think that the issue of honoring is a big deal to God. He gave the Ten Commandments in chapter 20 of the book of Exodus. In the first four Commandments, God tells us how to honor Him. The last six commandments tell us how to honor others and indirectly God as a result of honoring others. This list of commandments is a system.

In my walk with Jesus, He has taught me the importance of honoring others. Holidays are when I like to remember the people who have touched my life and I want them to know that their influence on my life has not been forgotten; it is no small gift. These people have helped me grow into the person I am today but I also believe that God put them there when I needed them. So when I bless someone with a gift, I am also telling the Lord “Thank you for this person and the season they sowed love into my life.”

There is such a tremendous burden on my heart to remember the people who have given to me because I know that God would not have had to have done that for me. Out of his grace and mercy he has sent people to walk with me in seasons, and not because I earned it. I am grateful to God.

Do not forget how God has blessed you and through whom He has blessed you. Honor should not be just what you do, it should become who you are.

Photo taken by Lorraine