What God Wants
I took a break from the news for a couple weeks. I thought when I came back to watch again, things might be better. Not so. Things are much worse!
Interest rates are going up, inflation is increasing, we are officially in a recession, although the White House is denying it (they lie about just about everything), and Joe Manchin has caved in to the Democrats in cooking up a major tax bill that will hit the middle class heavily. When Joe Biden said taxes would only affect those who make $400,000 a year, I knew it was a lie and when I said so, a naive Democrat called me on it. I wanted to say, “You can’t be serious. You really believe this guy?” So, Joe Biden is raising taxes . . . in a recession, the exact opposite of what smart people would do.
Joe Biden is doing almost everything exactly wrong. You would think he is trying to destroy the country on purpose, and I’m beginning to wonder if that isn’t what he’s really trying to do. After all, he is hobnobbing with the World Economic Forum on which, Klaus Schwab is the head. Klaus said, “By the year 2030, you will own nothing, but you will be happy.” It seems that the intent of this organization is to confiscate everyone’s property. Is Joe Biden a part of this diabolical scheme? I don’t know, but more and more it would seem so.
Two hundred years ago, acting against one’s own people would come under the realm of treason, punishable by hanging. We seemed to know good and bad back then, black and white, good and evil, and what true patriotism is. Now, it’s all a jumble, and it seems the most important thing, to the WOKE crowd, is to teach our innocent children about the 64 different genders of transsexualism, or whatever you call it.
Could it get much worse? Well, theoretically yes, but in reality, it’s very bad.
Is all lost? Not by a long shot. We’ve been here before, but we can’t sit on the sidelines, wringing our hands, saying “What to do? What to do?” Neither can we stick our head in the sand and pretend it all isn’t happening, like many of the people I meet and talk to.
I was recently reading about World War II, and how Franklin D. Roosevelt had to make an alliance with an enemy, Joseph Stalin of Russia, in order to defeat Hitler . . . and The Alliance won, although it cost Roosevelt his life. He was very ill and the travel to meet with Churchill and Stalin took its toll. Soon after, he died.
But The Allies won. What is the parallel? We do not yet face the kind of threat Hitler posed, although it could be just down the road. The parallel is that back then it seemed the whole world would be overcome with darkness and evil as Hitler advanced. Well, now there is another advance, these people who have fantasies about ruling the world, the Klaus Schwabs of the world, who want to take everyone’s possessions and reduce them to subjects of the state, just like Communism or worse. And he has the gall to say we will be happy. He is no doubt severely deceived, probably demon possessed.
So, what do we do, Christians?
For decades I have been saying that prayer is the strongest power on earth. It trumps every other power . . . and it belongs to Bible believing Christians. Why was Roe Verses Wade overturned? Because God’s people prayed and didn’t give up. What are you doing with your gift? Are you using it?
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV)
My favorite book on prayer is Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman Grub. Rees was born in Wales in 1879 to a family of 11 children. He went to work full time at the age of 12 to help the family. You might say Rees’ relationship with God began when God asked an unusual thing of him. He asked him to remove his cap as he walked to and from work, a distance of about two miles . . . and pray. This was the first of many tests for the young man on his journey to becoming a powerful intercessor. In that culture, it was disgraceful to walk outside without a cap, that’s why it was a test.
Rees began learning intercessory prayer, hour and hours of it. At one point God asked him to accept a challenge. “When I give you an assignment in prayer, you must never stop praying,” God said, “Until you get the answer.”
Rees accepted God’s challenge and what followed was a remarkable life of praying through, receiving dramatic answers to his prayers. The first thing God told him was to quit his job and live entirely by faith, dependent on God for his every need. This is a parallel to my own life. I have been living by faith for decades. Lorraine has had the same experience.
Later, God told Rees to buy an expensive English estate to turn into a Bible College. Rees didn’t have any money, but God told him to offer a certain amount by faith. The money came in the day before it was due. Rees bought three English estates in this very same manner.
One of them needed repairs that would cost ten thousand pounds, a small fortune at the time, and the country was in a recession. By this time, Rees was accustomed to asking God for specific amounts and the condition was that it had to come in by a certain date, from someone who had never given before.
Such was the case of the ten thousand pounds. In England at the time, the mail came twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. The money didn’t come in the morning mail on the specified date, so Rees went back to the college and told his band of young intercessors, “It didn’t come. Keep praying.” The money came in the afternoon mail . . . ten thousand pounds!
Probably the biggest assignment in prayer in Rees’ life was when God asked him to pray for the victory of The Allies in World War II. Pray that I will “bend Hitler,” was God’s command. Rees and his student intercessors went to prayer and fasting for two weeks. After two weeks, Rees knew their prayers were answered. Shortly after that was the battle at Normandy which The Allies won. It was the turning point of the war.
God’s people can dictate what our outcome is now in this present trouble . . . if they will pray and not give up until the answer comes.
If you are going to pray, you need to know what God’s will is. This is perhaps the most frustrating element I encounter with so many Christians. They don’t know what God’s will is. They think the tribulation is coming and everything is going to fall apart. There will be chaos and disaster, so they pray wrongly, they talk wrongly, spreading doom and the sense there is no hope, running young Christians who don’t know any better, right off the tracks.
Here is the will of God. It is spelled out very clearly in 1 Timothy 2:1-4. A verse you must also know is Hebrews 1:3, He holds all thing s together by the word of his power. Jesus holds all things together in the world. Things aren’t coming apart until He says they are, no matter what the world powers do.
Now read this scripture because it is the key to nearly everything in these times. It tells us what the will of God is . . . and it’s not chaos and disaster! Most importantly, it tells us how to pray. Did you know the presence of praying Christians in the world is the only thing that keeps darkness and evil from advancing and winning?
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 (NKJV)
God’s heart, his dominant purpose in the world is that people would be saved, so He tells us to pray for a quiet and peaceable life in the nation, because that is the ideal condition in which to bring people to Christ.
Don’t be confused by all this “end time” talk. God’s purpose and desire in the world is to bring the lost to Christ, and according to prominent missionaries, 42 percent of the world has not yet heard the Gospel. Bringing people to Jesus should be our main focus. We are to continually pray that God would hold back evil in our nation so we can do the work He has told us to do.
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In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama
Photo taken by Lorraine
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