Once when I was preaching, I said, “I want to give you something today that is pragmatic. Do you know what pragmatic means?”

A woman in the front row gave the correct answer. Pragmatic means something pratical that you can put to use in your everyday life. Something that gets you results and helps you achieve your objectives.

In the work of the kingdom, we would all like to get results, right? Not as one like Paul describes who “beats the air” (1 Cor 9:26) . . . applies a lot of effort but does not get anywhere.

I recently remembered some things that are simple in principle that have gotten me results in the work of the kingdom, and I thought perhaps, you, the readers may be looking for something “pragmatic.”

When I was a new Christian, probably about a year old in the Lord, I was excited about the Christian walk, and about accomplishing something for the kingdom.

I remember first contemplating sharing the gospel and how I thought pretty much no one would want to hear it.

Then there was this verse, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven (Matt 18:18 NKJV).” What did that mean? Then one day the thought came to me, which I knew came from the Holy Spirit, “When you are sharing the gospel, bind hindering and deceiving spirits and pray that the individual will be free from the devil’s influence to make his or her own decision about the gospel.” That seemed to make a lot of sense, especially since 2 Corinthians 4:4 ESV says,” . . . the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe . . .”

Fast forward a couple decades. I was working on an individual, telling him the truth, but none of it seemed to penetrate. It was like water off a duck. Over and over again I told him the truth, but it had no effect. It was as if he couldn’t hear it or understand it.

Once again the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “Bind the deaf and dumb spirit.” So I did, and there was a marked change. That was the beginning of a pattern of change, until the person has really become someone else, happy in the Lord, very positive, very persistnet in the Christian walk.

The deaf and dumb spirit is a demon entity that evidently can influence a person to the extent that he or she seemingly cannot hear or understand, or accept the truth. It is seemingly a pretty prevalent demon, as Lorraine and I have bound it often and usually it makes an obvious difference, though not always right away. One must be persistent in standing against this demon spirit on behalf of whose influence it is under.

In one week’s time I talked to three long-time supporters of our ministry who have been on our mailing list for decades. One had witnessed to a waitress who turned out to be a lesbian. He invited her to church, and she came.

A businessman who I talk to regularly keeps saying, “The only thing that is important is leading people to Christ.” He has asked the Lord to give him opportunities and has shared the Gospel numerous times.

A third person asked me how to witness to a Jehovah’s Witness. One has been knocking on his door and rather than slamming the door in his face, he has engaged in Biblical debate.

Charles Finney, who has been referred to as America’s most successful evangelist, said this about the great commission:

Getting my new book out has been an enormous battle. The last couple months have been a blur. We took a ten-day trip to Minneapolis and into Wisconsin to raise money for the book. In Minneapolis we were asked to do a tree removal job, which I accepted, because it was a way to pay our bills. On the second day, I had a fight with a tree and ended up with 12 staples in my head. That is the first accident I have ever had since starting to operatie a chain saw at the age of 15.

So that was an interruption in our plans, and I had to lay low for a couple days until we were able to go home. Recovery has continued and it has been very slow.

On a positive note, we received a sizable contribution for the book, so we are closer to our goal. In the meantime our living expenses continue, and summer donations tend to take a significant dive. Bottom line . . . we have been in a tremendous battle to get this book out there. In this crucial time, we humbly ask you to join us in prayer against the forces of darkness, and Satan’s opposition. Please pray that we receive a generous contribution this month to get us across the finish line.

The opposition makes us feel that the devil must hate this book. A confirmation of that, I think, was a long conversation we had with friends, recently. The nation is in such a mess because the church has not been winning the lost. This is much of the content of the book. When I gave them a summary of what I have learned in my last ten years of research, they were quite astounded. They had no idea of what is going on behind the scenes in the American church. This is confirmation why the book must get out there!

For the last ten-plus years I have been studying church attendance statistics, and the spiritual state of the American church, especially as it pertains to reaching the hard core unchurched, which now numbers at least 194 million. One hundred ninety-four million Americans do not attend church, ever, except perhaps for a wedding or funeral. Is it any wonder our nation is in such a mess? When I reported this to another friend, he said, “It can’t be that many.” Well, the truth is that 194 million is a conservative figure and it is probably more.

A recent study by Barna is still less encouraging. Twenty percent of Americans are considered regular attenders . . . but the bar has been lowered. Those who attend church only once a month are now considered regular church attenders. Eighty percent of those never read their Bibles. The only scripture they get is what they get in the sermon on Sunday.

I don’t have an answer to this thought but I think it is a very interesting thought to think on.

I have noticed lately, that I have been blessed with some items that I didn’t even pray for. things that I needed or liked but had not specifically asked the Lord to help to help me make provision to obtain these things. This intrigued me.

My first thought was “If the Lord can provide what you don’t pray for then certainly He will answer what you prayed for.” This was an interesting thought.

But i started to think on 1 Thessalonians 5:16, which speaks of praying without ceasing. This to me implies being united with the Lord.

This led me to think that if we are united with the Lord then maybe He is able to supply our needs and desires with our formalized prayer petitions in every case?

Just something to think on. Do you feel you are one in spirit with God? How does being united manifest in your life?

In His Service

George and Lorraine Halama