My Christmas Wish For You
By Lorraine
This time of year is so sacred to me. It is holy. The promise of the birth of a Savior for the world.
I think many people have not developed a true sense of awe in the holiness of what this beautiful celebration is. I also think that for some people those feelings of what holiness is, are totally absent.
This is not to belittle anyone who doesn’t have these feelings of holiness in their heart about the birth of Jesus.
It is to point out that feelings of holiness are developed. They are nurtured and grown in our hearts.
What do I mean about having a sense of holiness? It means many things. It means having in your heart feelings of respect, fear of the Lord, wonder, preciousness, love, humility and surrender, to list some.
When I was asking the Lord what message He wanted me to share in this letter, I thought, “I wish I could just box up all the emotion, the awe, the feelings of the fear of God that I feel because He is my Lord, and give it to you.
Then I began to realize that the reason I have those feelings about the birth of Jesus is because of my personal faith walk.
It is because of my relationship that I have developed with the Lord that I feel the way I do about Christmas. It is because I have seen God deliver me. It is because I have seen God perform miracles in my life. It is because He is my Lord. He is my all. He is the Author and Finisher of my faith. I know that I need Him and I can’t get through life without Him.
I have heard pastors complain because they are frustrated that they didn’t get better attendance at a special service, “Don’t they understand that this is holy? That the birth and death of Jesus is holy?” was the general theme.
It isn’t because as a pastor they have not told or taught their parishioners that the birth and death of Jesus is holy.
There may be other outside factors to why they didn’t come, but unless a person is motivated about their personal relationship with Jesus, the feelings of holiness will not develop in their hearts. The understanding that “This is important to me because of my relationship with Jesus” will not be there.
So, lets examine our hearts honestly. What does Christmas mean to your heart?
Does it mean more work? Does it mean more money you have to spend? Does it mean spending hours and hours shopping, cooking and cleaning for relatives? Does it mean your Cousin Eddie is coming to visit for a week?
Does Christmas end up being all about performing for people and fulfilling their expectations? Or maybe you have expectations of yourself that others really don’t expect from you? I think we have all been guilty of that. All of this leaves your heart feeling depleted and maybe a bit resentful.
But . . . away in a manger lies a babe in the hay. A babe who came to be light in our darkness and salvation for our soul.
A babe who came to have personal relationship with us. Who came to be holiness in our brokenness.
Are you present before Him?
The wise men followed the star to go and be present before Jesus. They wanted to be a part of this miracle, the holy of holies. It must have changed them forever to know that they were in the presence of the Son of God. Matthew 2:2 (NKJV) says, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”
How long did the wise men worship Him? Did they sing songs to God? Did they touch Jesus? And what did baby Jesus do?
If this was you, how might it change you?
If it was me, I don’t think I would want to leave the presence of that baby in the manger. I don’t know how after that, any other experience would compare to being there in the presence of God with Jesus. I would think being present with Him, would change me profoundly.
My Christmas wish for you. My Christmas prayer for you is that you decide to be present before Jesus.
Being present will change you profoundly. I promise you, that no other experience will compare because your relationship with Him is sacred and your feelings of holiness towards Him will grow.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Paul says, “Pray without ceasing.” This requires a person to be present all the time with Jesus. Present with Him in your heart, your mind, your words when you speak, your working, your giving, when you rest and when you are still.
Talk to Him with your mouth, your heart, your mind, your spirit, and your soul. Let your stillness before Him be your loudest voice.
Wise Men Still Seek Him
It’s All Right Now
New Music CD By George and Lorraine
Last month we reported that the recording of our music CD is completed. Before we can hold the finished product in our hands there are several steps yet to complete.
Our good friend Brad Johnson will complete the final mixing and mastering of the song tracks.
Last week George spoke to the duplication company. There are several packaging options. We reviewed them and decided that the Digipack best represents our product image.
A top level graphic designer that George has worked with for many years, is so very graciously donating his services for our packaging design. He will get started as soon as we have made the final important design decisions.
These are more numerous than you might expect. They involve a picture or pictures, a description of our ministry vision, a list of song credits, and copyright information.
A decision we are currently wrestling with is whether to have one or three photographs. It’s all about marketing and maximum impact.
We were so thrilled when Inna Portraits of Fargo, North Dakota donated the digital image for the cover photo.
We are currently praying over all of these decisions, not wanting to act too quickly. When all the elements are ready, they will be delivered to the duplication company who will then deliver the finished CD’s to us in about two weeks.
Merry Christmas
George and I wish you all a blessed Christmas!
We thank our faithful contributors for supporting our ministry.
We are so thankful for you!
In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama
Photo was designed and taken by Lorraine
All contributions are tax deductible