That’s A Wrap!

So here we are, Gang. We are on the fifth segment of the series, Defeating Fear. Our web traffic has increased since we started this series. Evidently, many of you are finding the series helpful, which makes it all worthwhile from our end.

When I began the series, I felt God was asking me to write five segments. So, on this fifth segment, I ask myself, “What do we address here? How can I maximize the information?”

Let’s review a bit. The emphasis of the first segment was to fill our minds with positive things. The first step to do that is to be thankful. Thank God for the many, many blessings He has poured out on you. Let thankfulness become a way of life. Let’s parse that down to a short daily exercise.

New York Times best-selling author

and health expert, J.J. Virgin,

says that just writing down three things

every day that we are grateful for,

boosts our immune system.

How about that?

There are other things that boost your immune system. Gathering together with other people boosts your immune system, so as soon as restrictions are relaxed and we can begin to return to normal life, whatever that is, consider getting together with other people.

Going to church has a positive effect on your health. Regular church attendees live an average of six years longer than those who don’t attend church. You may be watching church online now, but when the crisis passes and things get back to normal, plan to attend church regularly. It’s good for your health.

Okay, now I am going to poke a hornet’s nest. I have thought long and hard about whether to enter into this arena of thought or not, the reason being that so many people love the news and watch it a lot. Since this series is about defeating fear, I think I have to address the issue. You may or may not know this, but the news media seeks to arouse fear in you, the viewer. Always, as they have opportunity, they will put a spin of tension and danger on their reporting.

There is scientific data that shows people are drawn to fear-based stuff.

News organizations need to have viewers to survive.

Fear-based reporting attracts viewers,

the more controversial or ominous the reporting, the better.

They have to attract viewers to survive.

The antithesis of bad news is obviously good news. The great newscaster, Paul Harvey, once decided to start a news program in which he would report only “good news.” The program didn’t make it, because it never gained a sizable audience. People just weren’t interested in “good news.”

Unfortunately, we seem to be wired in a negative manner. I think it is the result of the fall in the Garden and the effects of sin. The average person is wired to be six times more likely to believe the negative than the positive. We seem to be drawn to bad news.

Think about it. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to grumble or say negative things. It seems to come naturally. It may take a concerted effort, however, to always speak positive things and to be thankful. Yet, to do so is the key to a more productive and happy life.

J.J.Virgin said there was a time when she never watched the news.

Why? The inference is that it is bad for your health.

It fills you with fear and bad feelings.

For a lot of years, I never watched the news . . . I mean, never! People were quite perplexed when they learned this about me. They thought I was rather odd. The truth of the matter was that I got along just fine, not watching the news. If something really important happened, I always learned about it from someone else. Not watching the news, did not hamper or throw a negative slant on my life at all. In fact, I was much happier and at peace with myself. I got more done, because I wasn’t thinking about all the bad things that were happening out there in the world. Worrying about those things is just wasted energy. One would be far better off, spending that time reading and meditating on the Word of God, passages like Romans 8 and Psalm 91.

Joshua 1:8 promises that if we meditate on the Word of God day and night and are careful to do all that it says, we will prosper and have good success. I don’t know if you realize it, but I just gave you the formula for a successful life . . . guaranteed!

Do I watch the news, now? Yes, but very sparingly . . . and I do read articles carefully selected, that come to me via my smart phone. One does not need a lot of the news media, if any. On the other hand, reading God’s Word will never hurt you, and the more you read it, the more peace and power you will have for productive living.

. . . And that’s a wrap. That’s how you defeat fear!

Photo taken and designed by Lorraine