Showing God He Matters
Our whole walk with the Lord should be about excavating the condition of our heart. We are to learn to be like Jesus. This means that the quality of our heart should always be processing to becoming more like Jesus.
If your heart isn’t processing then you are not growing.
Many people say that they don’t hear the Lord. If you are not constantly working on the condition of your heart then you probably will not hear from God.
When you ask Jesus into your heart, that becomes His dwelling place in you. When you start dealing with your heart then you are tapping into God. He will start revealing all kinds of things to you.
Showing God He matters is not like a “honey-do-list,” that you have for your spouse to do around the house. Once it is completed, you can be glad that you have pleased your spouse. Now you can finally do what you have been wanting to do.
It has to do with the condition of your heart and what it “costs” you. A “cost” as in a price to be paid whether it is emotionally, financially, physically or of your time.
If you are a parent, then you have paid the “cost” many times. Children need things. Maybe you bought them a car with the money you were going to use to put new siding on your house? Maybe you were working a job that was abusive. You decided to stay an extra year in that job so you wouldn’t have to relocate to another city causing your child to finish their senior year in a school without their life long friends?
No matter what the “cost” is, most parents do these things for their children and do them because they love their children. They love them so much that they will endure the “cost.” They put the children’s happiness before their own.
Children are offspring, meaning that they are the parents flesh and blood, a piece of them is in them. The DNA is in the children and as a result the parents have an investment.
When was the last time you did something for the Lord that “cost” you?
What if the Lord asked you to give your neighbor a car with the money you were going to use to put new siding on your house?
Would you do it?
What if the Lord asked you to stay in an abusive job for another year because you had a co-worker there that needed your support. Maybe the co-workers salvation depended on you staying an extra year.
Would you do it?
Are you more invested in the Lord than you are with your own children?
What if you couldn’t buy your child a car because you gave the car to the neighbor? Now the child is mad at you.
Now you don’t have new siding and you have a mad child.
Would you still do it?
Matthew 10:37 (NKJV) “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.
Showing God that He matters will be evident in your life choices. It will change the whole course of your life. This is why it’s called a “walk” with Jesus. You don’t stay in the same place when you walk. Walking means you are in the process of going someplace.
Maybe a good question to ask yourself the next time the Lord asks you to do something is, “Would I do it for my children?” If you say yes, then why can’t you do it for God?
Matthew 22:37-38 (NIV)
Jesus replied; (37) “‘Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (38)This is the first and greatest commandment.”
This scripture should take on a whole new meaning after thinking about what your walk with Jesus has “cost” you. If you are going to love God with all your heart, soul and mind . . . you should see evidence of the cost.
Be Blessed!
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Photo taken by Lorraine