Christianity Is Not A Spectator Sport
You wonder what this title means? Well, let me go back to March, 2021 to explain. Up to that time I had done all I could to avoid being in the middle of politics. Most of my life I had hated politics and avoided it like the plague.
Then, it was time to write the March newsletter. We had just returned from a road trip and I was tired. I wrote a nice little article on deeper life, but the Lord bagan to speak to me. He said, “Rewrite the first paragraph.” I knew I had to address the crisis going on in the country. Well, I got started and, as you know, you can’t address the crisis in America in one paragraph. So one by one, the paragraphs of my letter fell to more poignant language about the nation. I would take a break and God would say, “Go back and rewrite that paragraph,” until all of the writing was very blunt and to the point about what is going on in America.
I was pretty scared. I had never addressed the issues of the nation like this before, calling out sin, and calling it what is. After all, aren’t we in the ministry supposed to not voice our opinions on politics?
Wrong! Dead wrong! Why do we feel we have to be willy-nillys, spineless leaders who won’t voice our opinions about politics?
Acually, all the prophets of the Old Testament spoke to their leaders, and they spoke about the condition of the nation. It’s about all they did.
That March letter, that spoke out so brazenly about politics, I was afraid would lose me a lot of followers and supporters, but I put it out anyway because I knew that is what God was saying I should do.
Well, the opposite happened. Our contributions went up. We were flooded with positive comments. In Wisconsin the electronic version of the letter got passed from cell phone to cell phone all around the Sparta area. That article was read heavily on our sight and still holds the record for most hits in the history of our website.
At the time I was writing a book, at the Lord’s direction. Initially, I thought I would write about how Christianity is the most powerful force in history, and how that if it were absent, the world would be a dark, dark place. The book morphed into how the godless Marxists have been working underground for decades to take over our educational system, our politics, and the media. Now, I was calling out the Democratic party for who they are, Marxists who have to try to disguise their legislation, because the American people, if they really understand what it is, will reject it.
If you don’t know this, you should. Democrats, except for a handful of moderates, are not traditional Democrats anymore. They are the party of the Far Left, who are Marxists, who are Communists. Eighty percent of the party votes Far Left, consistently.
I just had a reader rebuke me, saying that Fox News is politically motivated. That comment says it all. He is brainwashed, still thinking the Democrats are traditional Democrats, and not the party of Marxism, and he thinks he is getting the truth from the liberal media, that is a brainwashing machine for the Far Left.
Why did God allow this tyrant to win the election and get into the White House? Because God needed to put the Left on an open display. The vast majority of Americans didn’t know who they were or what their intentions were. Now they know, don’t they? The last year has been a disaster, and it doesn’t look like it will get any better. The Left appears to be trying to destroy the country. When they are overturned in the next election how much of America will be left? They have left an unbelievable trail of carnage in their wake, and they’re not stopping at their quest to create their socialist fantasies in our country. Inflation is raging, and they aren’t doing a thing to stop it. They are obsessed with changing voter laws to make cheating easy, because they know it is their only chance to stay in power.
What is the point of this conversation?
Many Americans have for decades just kind of ignored politics, thinking it would all turn out fine in America. They didn’t need to vote, they didn’t need to be informed, they didn’t need to be engaged.
My question to you is, “How is that working for you?”
It isn’t working now, is it? If you want freedom and liberty for your children and grandchildren, then you have to fight for it. Freedom comes at a price, and it doesn’t come to those who stick their heads in the sand and pretend the carnage isn’t happening.
Louden County in Virginia is our example. When parents found out what their kids were being taught, they were outraged. The disastrous school policies finally culminated in a male student wearing a dress, raping a girl student in a transgender bathroom. The outrage of the parents was so great they overturned the election and got a common sense, traditional value Republican Governor elected. The Democrats were shocked! Yes, it’s true, the majority of Americans really don’t want your outrageous “garbage” policies that you have been trying to disguise and push off as something else. Well, America is waking up and realizing what a horrible bill of goods you are trying to push on them.
So, now it’s up to you. Are you going to get engaged or remain on the sidelines? Freedom and liberty is at stake.
If you have been on the sidelines, I suggest you take the following steps:
- Be informed. Find a news source you can trust, like Newsmax or The Epoch Times.
- Speak up for what you believe. Speak up against evil and for righteous, Bible principles.
- Vote right. How can you profess to be a Christian and vote for murder (abortion) and unspeakable sexual perversion. You can’t!
America as we know it is at stake. If you have been a spectator, become a player. Get engaged! Do the right thing!
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
By Lorraine
It is hard to avoid “cost” in life. Unfortunately, there is a cost for being silent as well.
2 Corinthians 5:20 (NIV) “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” Paul said, we are ambassadors of Christ. In order to be an ambassador of Christ we have to be known for our personal integrity, for our walk in faith.
Integrity is defined by the oxford languages as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness.
No person is perfect but if we know that something isn’t right then we have an obligation to the Lord to do what is right in that situation.
If you choose not to do what you know is the right thing to do, then be assured other people will notice your choice. People will determine that your Christian walk maybe isn’t what you make it to be. “You aren’t walking the walk.” You will create an image of yourself as lacking integrity, basically a wishy-washy Christian. It is pretty difficult to witness to anyone if they think you are not the real deal.
Being an ambassador requires you to be the “REAL DEAL,” 24 hours a day . . . not when you decide you are going to be, or who you are going to be the real deal with, or where you are going to be the real deal.
Your faith walk is not on your terms. It is according to the Holy Scriptures, as God wrote it, and not how you want to make it fit the way you want it to read. I believe that if we live like wishy-washy Christians and do not develop our integrity, then when we die we will have to answer to the Lord for that. My personal fear is that . . .
My Silence Could Be Seen As Denying Christ, Because Christ Is Truth.
There is a cost. The cost is that you have to make a choice to live for Jesus or live the life that makes you feel the most comfortable. Unfortunately, you can’t have it both ways. Everyday you must make a choice in every decision, that the one you make is the best representation of the integrity of Christ to the best of your ability.
In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama
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