Happy Hope Year 2019


On December 25th we celebrated the birth of Jesus, the Messiah. The Messiah meant to the Jewish nation the promise of a deliverer. It was the hope they awaited for years as it was prophesied in the scriptures centuries before Jesus was born. That is a long time to hold on to a promise, a long time to hope. But just as God promised Jesus was born. The long awaited hope of the Jewish people came, but Jesus came for all. He is our deliverer and He is our Hope.

It is a new year. What are you hoping for?

It says in Isaiah 43:18-19, (NABRE)

“Remember not the events of the past,

the things of long ago consider not;

See, I am doing something new!

Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

In the Wilderness I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers.”


God was telling the Jewish people, “Do not remember the past or how I did things in the past. I am going to do something new! I have not done it before! It is all totally different from anything I have done before! It comes forth Now! In this moment! Now! Do you not understand? I will make a way through your wilderness, the uncultivated and uninhabited places. I will make a way through your wasteland, the overgrown, unattractive places, the neglected places. I will make a way through rivers, the places you need to cross over. I God, your Jehovah, am doing it now! Your deliverance is now!

What if you believed that?

Why couldn’t you believe that?

God did it for the Jewish people in the book of Isaiah,

He will do it for you as well.


Think on that for a moment. He will make a way through the wilderness places of your life, the uncultivated and uninhabited places. He will make a way through the wasteland places in your life, the overgrown, unattractive places that have been neglected. He will make a way for you to cross over the rivers in your life. What a promise! What a declaration!

What are you hoping for? Jesus already knows what you are longing for, you just need to tell Him.

If you have told Him then all you need to do is wait on Him.

We should enter this new year with great expectancy that God will manifest His glory to us and all those that we come in contact with. There shouldn’t be fear or melancholy. There should be no room for, “It’s a new year and I hope it will be okay” kind of attitude. No! Look at what God did for the Jewish people. We have a great heavenly Father who wants to bless us, give us great hope and deliver us. He will fight for you because you are worth fighting for.

Exodus 15: 3,6

3.”The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is His name…. 6.Your Right Hand, O Lord, has become glorious in power; Your right hand, O Lord, has dashed the enemy in pieces. And in the greatness of Your excellence You have overthrown those who rose against You; You sent forth Your wrath which consumed them like stubble.”

The Lord will take care of your wilderness,

your wasteland and your rivers.

Most importantly all you could hope for.


So, I encourage you to hope. HOPE REAL BIG! There is no greater hope than Jesus.



Photo designed and taken by Lorraine