2021, Here We Come!
We anticipate that God will do great things in 2021. There is no lack of things to do, and we have found that if we keep our eye on the prize, focused and intentional, step by step accomplishing those tasks God has put before us, He is always faithful to bring us across the finish line.
Foremost on our projects for this year is Lorraine’s book, The Invitation. The printing process was interrupted over the Holidays, but we are in the final rounds of corrections, before going to press. We will also need in the neighborhood of $1000 to print 1000 copies of the book. Everyone on the mailing list will receive a free copy of the book. Our last similar endeavor, Firestorm, has reached a distribution of around 800 copies, with many wonderful comments coming back to us.
Perhaps you would like to invest in this powerful little book. We will need to raise the full $1000 before we go to press.
I would like to take this opportunity to brag on my wife. Since we were married five years ago, many things about the ministry have greatly improved. Her contributions to ministry seem to be endless. Firstly, the newsletter. Lorraine holds two Bachelor Degrees, one in trumpet performance and the other in art. Lorraine takes the photographs for the monthly newsletters, designs the letter and does the layout. She does the same for the weekly posts on the website.
Another aspect of our ministry is live performance in churches. Though trumpet and guitar with vocal seems an unlikely musical combination, people have expressed great enthusiasm at our performances. Lorraine is very anointed and is good at improvising. People always comment to me how much they like the trumpet. At one of our performances we received a very long, standing ovation. Our aim is to produce a music CD and perform concerts throughout the area. It all takes time and money. By God’s grace, we will accomplish every task He has given us to do.
Lorraine is beginning to write more. Her insights run deep, and her last article posted on the site out did my last article in the number of readers.
While working for Gospel Outreach Ministries in Grand Forks, Lorraine was Public Relations for the Ministry. Now, when I listen to her on the phone with some interested individual, I am amazed at how well she explains our ministry and what we do. Also, I am flattered that what I have done in the twenty years plus in ministry seems “larger than life” when Lorraine is explaining it.
Lorraine also is very easy to talk to, and as a result she does a lot of ministry on the telephone, counseling and praying for people. Often these sessions go for an hour or more. In our rapid-paced world, one-on-one ministry often gets lost in the shuffle. The number of hurting individuals out there in our world who need some love and counsel is astounding. Lorraine always has time for them.

Lorraine and I think alike because she, too believes in putting out the highest quality images possible to represent our ministry. Two years ago, she found our website builder who creates amazing sites. Before I met Lorraine, she had already established a working relationship with the photographer who we use to take the photographs for our website, Christmas cards and author photos for our books. She is always thinking of ways to improve our marketing outreach so we can minister to as many as we can.
There are things that she does in the ministry that no one really knows about. She has collected food and supplies and delivered to individuals who are in need of a blessing. Lorraine is sensitive to the leading of the Spirit and will often come home with something the Lord has told her to buy and give to someone. It is amazing to me to see the reaction of the individual when they receive the item and how the gift has ministered to them. On Christmas day she delivered a throw to a local nursing home with instructions to give it to an individual who needs a blessing. She is always doing what she can to share the love of Jesus with others.
Lastly, she is my wife. She believes in me, encourages me, and is quick to pray for me. She has faith, not just any faith, but big faith. I have never seen anyone so led of the Lord as I see Lorraine is. When my faith is shaking, I can lean on her. I marvel at her ability to stand.
I encourage you to consider making a financial contribution to the printing expense of this woman of God’s book. A couple years ago, she read the beginning of this book to a church congregation. They were totally captivated. Keep in mind we need about $1000 to pay the printing expense. Any size contribution is welcome. Large and small all add up.
Here’s The Scoop!
By Lorraine
George and I are blessed to have this work that the Lord has put before us. It is a thrilling experience to be able to put our website and newsletter articles together for you. We ponder the possibilities of how the words that the Lord has given us to share is impacting your lives.
We currently have about 300 individual homes that our newsletter goes to every month. We lay hands on the stacks of envelopes and pray for blessings of all kinds for you and your families every month.
I shared in the last newsletter that we spend about $400 a month sending out our letter. Unfortunately, we only have a handful of faithful givers on the mailing list who send contributions and it might just cover the expense of the letter.
We have had many people suggest that we send our newsletters by email to save the expense. However, there are a couple of reasons that would not work.
- Those that currently give to our ministry wait to get our actual newsletter in the mail with the giving card enclosed before they mail their financial contribution. People are so busy that if they don’t get that reminder in the mail, then they don’t make a contribution.
- The Lord spoke to George about our letters. He said that there is blessing on these letters that go into every home, whether they are opened or not.
The newsletter teachings that we put out every month are a big part of what the Lord has called us to do.
Because of this we remain faithful every month writing, designing, and mailing a newsletter to all who are on the list.
If you are blessed by these letters then I encourage you to become intentional about giving to our ministry. There is so much more we want to do but can not do it unless individuals like you give to our purpose.
We calculate that George and I spend together a total of at least 30 hours creating and mailing this letter. That’s one week out of every month. Then we are trying to accomplish the other things God has put before us.
The last weekly article I posted on the website, Part 2 of Do You Believe You Matter?, took me two days to research, discern and to write.
Most people don’t understand how much work goes into the things we produce in our ministry.
If you have been dismissing our giving cards every month thinking “Others are giving,” unfortunately you are wrong.
Please consider being a monthly giver.
In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama
Photo taken by Inna Portraits