The Incomparable Reward Of Surrender
What is the value of surrender? Does God want total surrender from us? Apparently so. Can it be achieved in our weak human condition?
God had come to me in so many miraculous ways, yet there was deep discontent. I was not satisfied with my walk, or my condition with God. I wondered what the answer was, and as instantly as the thought crossed my mind, just as instantly my eyes were drawn to the book on my shelf . . . Absolute Surrender, by Andrew Murray. It was like God had put a heavenly presence on the book, so that it stood out to me like a highlighted message there on my shelf among many books.
Well, there was my answer. God had answered me instantaneously. What would bring me complete fulfillment? Absolute Surrender. . . to God.
There is a hymn we used to sing:
Nothing between my soul and the Savior,
Naught of this world’s delusive dream;
I have renounced all sinful pleasure;
Jesus is mine, there’s nothing between.
Ah, but the struggle to surrender. If you are a serious Christian, you have doubtless experienced it. Not just once or twice, but many, many times. Still, the goal is achievable, or God would not lead us down this path of giving up our dreams and aspirations, laying them at the foot of the cross, to surrender to His dreams and plans for us.
Why fight Him? It only brings angst of great proportions. Yet we do, because we have this fallen nature, that lurks in the recesses of our soul, looking for its chance to seize control, to have its own selfish way.
If you want to be one who is totally surrendered, then He will accomplish things through you that will blow you away, things you thought not possible, but in order to accomplish these things He requires you to obey, no matter what.
Once, after I had produced a number of record-breaking events, He called me to a city much larger than I wanted to tackle. The event was attempted two or three times, and each time it failed to launch. In deep discouragement and frustration, I told Him, “I’m done with this city,” and I went home.
“Oh, no you’re not. Go back and try again,” He said.
So, a few weeks later I went back to the city . . . and this time things fell into place. But oh, the cost? At the same time a large spiritual battle occurred back home, so I was fighting on both fronts. It taxed me to tears and anguish, until I cried out, “Please, get me through this somehow because my strength is gone. I fear I am going to come apart.”
Working with a company of brave and committed pastors, together we somehow triumphed. We all paid a price together. God did things that were way above our heads. My participation in seeing this event through took a span of two years. Yet 18,000 students were reached in the schools through school assemblies, and about 5000 were reached at the big Reach For More event in the coliseum at the end of the week.
When I was all done, I went home I cannot describe my state of exhaustion.
When I got home, I wanted to just sleep for a year or so, but what did God do? He said, “You have to get up in the night to pray. If you don’t, you won’t make it.”
I threw a temper tantrum. “After all of this now You want me to get up in the night to pray?” I was angry, and I let Him know it. “How can you ask this of me when I am so exhausted?”
Well, when you are in the kind of battle that brings hundreds to salvation, it’s no game. It’s serious business. The devil is so mad, he would kill you if he could . . . and that’s why I needed to get up and pray in the night.
Absolute Surrender means you obey Him no matter what.
It doesn’t matter, if it makes sense to you or not, You must do what He says, and really you seldom know the “Whys?”
You just do it, and don’t question Him.
Getting up in the night to pray was a killer, but after several fail attempts, I did it.
God, always gets you through one way or another, and one of the most satisfying things in your walk, is to deny your flesh, what you want, what you crave . . . and obey Him.
No matter how difficult what God is asking, you just do it, and the satisfaction of knowing the devil didn’t win the fight is a satisfaction that has no equal.
I will not fully know the ramifications of this victory until I reach heaven and meet all the people who are there, because we in leadership, the pastors and myself, prevailed and saw the victory in the event.
What does this story have to do with hearing the voice of God?
When you have learned to hear His voice, then whatever He tells you to do, DO IT!
The Ramifications are not just for this life, but for all eternity . . . and that is The Incomparable Reward of Surrender.
Happy New Year from
George and Lorraine
Where do I begin? God is opening many doors and we are trying to keep up. In the mean time we have had a major interruption. Car repairs! Lorraine’s car – her baby, because it was a supernatural gift from God – now has 150,000 miles on it. It has been a marvelous car, but sooner or later all cars have to be fixed.
This time the repairs come to a little over $4000. OUCH! It was overheating slightly, so we took it in and there are five leaks underneath – $2000, mostly in labor. In addition the ball joint needs to be replaced – $600. The tires are bald and the front two tires are peeling – $930. Two days ago, we ordered tires. PTL! Now, we are working on the rest of it. So, we are confined to home until all of these things are fixed.
Travel is about half of our ministry. Whenever we go out of town to do a church service or a recording session, ministry opportunities seem to open up all over the place. People are hurting. They need encouragement and prayer. Sometimes total strangers walk up and start talking to us.
We have not done anything more with our CD project because the focus is on getting the car fixed. I have discovered, however, that most people I talk with are going back to the old LP records, so we will definitely have some made. God has me writing up a storm. I was also asked about doing an event and a long discussion followed. Serving the Lord is always an adventure!
In His Service

George and Lorraine Halama
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Photo designed and taken by Lorraine