In order to dream, you must be an optimist. If you are convinced everything coming down the road is bad, then how will you dream? This is why I have trouble with those whom I call Christian Fatalists. One well-meaning brother I met felt it was his duty to inform me that “everything is going to fall apart.” He was preparing a secret, underground room in his house for when, I guess, the Communists come.”
I reminded him of all the intercessors rising in the night to pray for our nation. He said, “Yeah, we should pray, but judgment is coming.” After that I couldn’t get a word in in edgewise, so I just shut my mouth and listened politely. Then, I looked for an opportunity to get away from this fellow.
This kind of theology just riles me, big time . . . because it is unscriptural. The Bible plainly states that God always looks for intercessors to stand in the gap and turn away judgement. Ezekiel 22:30 says:
I searched for a man among them to repair the wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land before me that I should not destroy it.
I find myself repeating this solid concept in scripture over and over again . . . usually whenever someone starts talking about the great tribulation, everything falling apart, etc. etc. etc. I have really had it with “doom and gloom” theology and I refuse to listen to it.
God says in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 to pray for all those in authority that you may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness. Then He clearly states that He wants all men (all people) to be saved. To me the message is as plain as the nose on your face. We are to pray for order and peace in the land because this is the ideal condition in which to spread the Gospel. It is not destruction and mayhem, as some would have you believe.
Now, let me ask you this:
If God makes plain to us what His will is and He tells us to pray for it, then, if hundreds of thousands of intercessors awaken in the night to pray for the nation as God directs us, is He then going to say, “Sorry children. I have changed my mind, I am just going to destroy everything?”
Of course not!
This is why I cannot tolerate Christian Fatalists, who just keep talking about judgement and destruction.
So, going back to the man who told me, “We should pray, but judgement is coming”. . . I don’t think he realized what just came out of his mouth was the biggest oxymoron imaginable. Why pray, if God is going to ignore your prayers and bring judgment anyway? That would make God some kind of monster!
Christians are in the world to stand against and stop the evil and destruction the devil is constantly trying to bring about. Prayer is the strongest power on earth and if God’s people continue to pray through and don’t quit, then evil will be stopped.
Okay, now I can see the Christian Fatalists raising their hackles, because they seem to want judgement and destruction. Sorry folks, we are to stand in the gap so God will not destroy the land. That’s scripture! God takes no pleasure in judgement. He brings judgement only when He has no alternative.
So, when do we get our “judgment time?”
In order for things to fall apart, He has to take out the force that prevents it, namely his people . . . the intercessors who stand in the gap and turn away judgment.
Oh, that also makes Fatalists angry. They are absolutely convinced, I guess, that we are going through the great tribulation. Seemingly, they are looking forward to hiding in bunkers in the ground when everything falls apart.
“Well, you can stay if you want to,” I tell them, “I’m going home!”
Well, that conversation went much further than I had intended it to, because it is not the subject of this letter. This letter is about dreaming.
If one watches the news to any extent, it may be difficult to be at peace. There is certainly more than enough turmoil in the nation. If you are a news watcher, then I encourage you to bring something positive out of your watching . . . namely go to prayer for the country. Stand in the gap before God so He does not destroy the land.
The wickedness going on is unfathomable.
The latest thing I saw is that the WOKE culture is writing children’s books to promote the transgender lifestyle in young children. When, they go after our kids, that’s the last straw! Honestly, it makes my blood boil. May I remind you that the WOKE culture is supported by this present administration.
Joe Biden said another outrageous thing recently. He said that we don’t need mothers anymore. We can replace a mother with a “birthing person.” Then the state can raise the child and brainwash him or her with Marxism. This is already taking place in our government run schools. Joe Biden and those who run him, seem to be intent on destroying the traditional family!
Sometimes, when I think about the wicked debauchery being promoted in our country by the Left, I ask God how this can possibly be happening in America. Then, He reminds me that the Apostle Paul lived in a culture that was controlled by the Roman Empire. In America, we don’t have Christians being thrown to wild animals in coliseums where crowds of people watch and cheer as the animals tear them apart. Think about that. Can you imagine being a Christian and preaching the Gospel in that time?
Those were the circumstances Paul lived in, yet he held an amazingly peaceful countenance. Beyond that he was able to maintain an attitude of praise. In effect, he told his followers to hold a positive attitude, to think on the good things. Listen to what he says in Philippians 4:8,9 (ESV):
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Well, that says it all, does it not? Think on positive things. What is the best way to think on positive things? When you have a victory, immediately thank God out loud. Then thank Him again and in a little while thank Him again. Get a lot of mileage out of your victories. Don’t let them go to waste. By being thankful you keep the good that was accomplished in your mind . . . and it turns your mood and your attitude positive.
On some days, you may have six things go wrong and one thing go right. Think on the thing that went right and thank God for it. It’s hard for the devil to get you down, if you are always thankful, and being thankful spawns a positive attitude.
If your attitude is positive, you can dream. It’s hard to dream if you are in the doldrums. I encourage you to dwell and meditate on your dreams, develop them in your mind, write stories about your dreams, either in your mind, or on paper. Talk to God about them. Ask Him for His input. God is delighted when we dream and if we continually talk to Him about our dreams, He is even more delighted.
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.
Psalm 84:11 (ESV)
George and I are thankful for those who made a financial contribution in the month of June. Thank You!
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In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama
Photo designed and taken by Lorraine