Over the past two years I have been praying a lot for the nation. God wakes me often at 3 a.m. to pray. Many times, He speaks to me about the nation and I write it down in my journal.
The actions of Joe Biden and the radical left is shocking the nation, and especially those of us who name the name of Christ. His actions have been rash, harsh, in some cases ridiculously perverse, and they seem to defy logic and good sense.
I have had a deep feeling that there would be a strong reaction or backlash to the Left’s policies by those who hold traditional values. The last thing God spoke to me was that “the backlash will be even much greater than you think.” Is God allowing all of this unthinkable debauchery to wake up His people? I think so.
In the last letter I urged that we can no longer coast in America, thinking everything will turn out all right. We have to take action against this outrageous stuff!
An example is the WOKE curriculum and Critical Race Theory being crammed down the throats of our kids in the public schools. I said we needed to march down to our schools and tell them we don’t want our kids learning these outrageous lies.
Well, recently the actions of Shantell Cooper in Virginia’s Louden County is really inspiring. She is an African American mother who went up against the school board for teaching critical race theory. “It contradicts everything that Martin Luther King fought for,” she said. “It’s hatred, Marxist ideology, and it places the child in a loophole of oppression, making them feel as a victim, I can’t stand for that.” She went on to say, “Critical race theory is not an honest dialogue, it is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves.”
The school board has tried to silence parents who oppose their curriculum. A parent group has launched a recall campaign against six of the school board members who support the Marxist curriculum.
I don’t know if you have noticed, but the Democratic Party is full of Marxists. The choice is no longer Republican or Democrat. It is Republican or Marxist. I sincerely hope the masses can figure this out. Bernie Sanders is a Marxist. He doesn’t try to hide it. Ben Carson just stated that Joe Biden is to the left of Bernie Sanders. This is where we are at. If he is not stopped, Joe Biden and his gang of thugs will destroy the country.
Why is Shantell Cooper so engaged? “America is the last free country,” she says.
Just yesterday I spoke to a long-time friend in Minneapolis who is the buildings manager for a Christian school. He told me that the school has 100 new students enrolled for the fall, an increase in enrollment of roughly 13 1/2 percent in one year. Ninety-nine percent of last year’s enrollment is returning. Many grandparents are paying for their grandchildren’s tuition.
These new enrollees are not necessarily Christian, but the parents want their children and grandchildren to learn Christian values, as opposed to marxist principles increasingly taught by public schools. Wouldn’t it be grand if Christian schools continue to grow and public schools decrease! That would be a backlash of major proportions against the Marxist extreme left.
I sincerely hope that those Christians who voted for Joe Biden are waking up. By definition, there is no God in Marxism. Is this not one of the most outrageous oxymorons you have ever heard of . . . those who feel they are Christians voting for an atheist to run our country?
Even the moderate Democrats who remain in the party are starting to react in alarm to Joe Biden and his thugs. There is talk that the moderate Democrats will have to push the extreme left out of power or there will be no hope of the Democrats winning the 2024 election. Roughly 10 percent of the American people support Woke and the Critical Race Theory. You can’t win an election on 10 percent of the population, can you . . . unless you cheat like crazy and steal the election. It appears that will be difficult because 14 states have passed much stricter election laws to prevent election fraud and I’m sure other states will follow suit.
George and Lorraine what’s next?

Lorraine’s new book, The Invitation, has returned from the printer and over 400 copies have been distributed. We have received many great comments already. Please keep sending them.
You can get your free copy by requesting it on our website Georgeandlorraine.com.
After receiving the book, Ruth and Phyllis from Grand Forks, North Dakota, called requesting six more copies. Virginia from Waskish, Minnesota took the book to her Bible study to share with the other women and requested four more copies.
Here are a few comments . . .
“I wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your book. It’s so beautifully written, I got choked up quite a few times while reading and had to pause and compose my emotions. I love what I’ve gotten to read so far, you are very talented.”
From De of Minnesota
“Your scripture verses were so meaningful with what you wanted to convey. The number of people who will come to know God through you, will not be able to be measured.”
From Candy of Arizona
“Thank you for the book! I devoured it, and will again, and maybe again . . . And have just the person in mind to borrow it to. Nice work Lorraine! What a Gal HE made! Nice work God!”
From Todd of North Dakota
In late May, Lorraine and I spent five days in Brad Johnson’s recording studio in Minneapolis working on a new music CD. We recorded five songs and are scheduled to return to the studio on June 14th.
Our goal is to finish the CD that week. The CD will feature a wide variety of music, from traditional hymns to original songs written by George. It will even have one jazz type number George wrote while he attended college many years ago. Please support us in prayer while we are recording, June 14 through the 18.
“Got Water?”
Proverbs 11: 24-25 (AMP)
There are those who [generously] scatter abroad, and yet increase more; there are those who withhold more than is fitting or what is justly due, but it results only in want.
The liberal person shall be enriched, and he who waters shall himself be watered [2 Cor. 9: 6-10].
With all the current ministry projects we are working on we ask you to consider giving a financial contribution this month to our ministry.
George and I are grateful for all you support. Thank you.
In His Service

George and Lorraine Halama
All contributions are tax deductible
Photo of car on fire designed and taken by Lorraine
Photo of Lorraine taken by George