A Time To Weep

This morning as I was sitting with the Lord, I felt an urgency to open a word file and write. It’s newsletter time again. My question is always, “Lord, what do you want your people to hear this month?”

What is on God’s mind?


He yearns for the wanderers to come home.

Maybe you’ve tasted all that the world has to offer. You have eaten of the fruit of the world system and it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. No amount of water will wash it away because it is “bitter.”

I think of the man in Isaiah 44 that went out to cut wood. He brings the wood home. With part of it he heats his home, and he heats his stove on which he bakes something to eat. Then, when he has eaten and his stomach is full, he looks at the wood he has left over, and he decides to make an idol. He carves and idol, bows down to it and says, “You are my God. Deliver me!”

“How ridiculous,” you say. Then the narrative goes on to say, “He feeds on ashes.”

Have you ever eaten ashes? I haven’t, but I can imagine that ashes taste horrible!

The WOKE ideology going on in America is a movement that feeds on ashes. They have rejected God and created an idol. They worship this ideology that has no substance. They feed on ashes. They are bitter, angry and they strike out at anyone that won’t eat ashes with them.

That’s why we are a nation ripe for revival, for a mighty move of God.

I am reluctant to release what God says to me in private. It is like precious gold. I am not often willing to turn it lose to the public . . . but I will, because I sense I am at this time, supposed to.

About a year ago, He said there would be a backlash against the Left movement. A few months later He said, “The backlash will be much greater than you think it will be.” We are seeing that, a mighty backlash against the WOKE ideology, which really is “ashes.”

About four years ago, in the night God woke me and immediately spoke, “You are standing on the edge of the greatest awakening the world has ever seen.”

Get ready people, for a mighty wave, a movement of God that will transform America. All you who have prophesied America is going down will be put to shame.

How can you give up on America?

How can you go along with the message that America is finished?

I hear this from a lot of people. I can’t believe my ears. “If America’s light goes out,” as Ronald Reagan said, “The whole world goes dark.”

If you have given up on America, shame on you!

You must know that prayer is the strongest power in the universe. Effectual, fervent prayer trumps all other powers on earth. So, instead of proclaiming the death sentence on America, why don’t you pray, like hundreds of thousands of Christians who rise up in the night to intercede for America?

God has told us how we should pray. It is as plain as the nose on your face. 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 spells it out. God’s will for His people is “a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness,” not tribulation! So if God tells us how to pray and we pray that way, is He just going to ignore us and bring destruction and mayhem? Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions are praying according to 1 Timothy 2: 1-4. If you are unaware of what this passage says, then read it and keep reading it until you get it. Then pray accordingly!

If you don’t know about the great intercessor, Father Daniel Nash, go on the internet and read about him. His prayers were the driving force behind the ministry of Charles Finney who is often called America’s most successful evangelist. If you need an example to follow, study the life of Father Nash and live accordingly.

Finney had great results in his meetings. People would groan under conviction of sin and fall on the floor in despair. Then they would repent and receive Jesus. It was reported that you would seldom see Father Nash in the meetings, because he was behind the scenes praying.

Finney said that Nash and his little band of intercessors would pray so hard they would be drenched in sweat in the middle of winter. Finney also said that Father Nash had a list of people he was praying for to be saved and, guess what? These people would nearly always be saved.

Instead of proclaiming that America is going down why don’t you just shut your mouth, quit spewing poison into the body of Christ, and put your energy into praying sinners into the kingdom?

Now I’m going to go to another subject, Fort Wayne, Indiana. I first went there in 2000 to visit my family. I was persuaded to meet with a Christian CEO, who insisted I meet with Pastor Ron Hawkins, pastor of the First Assembly Of God Church. Pastor Ron insisted that we do an event in Fort Wayne, which we pulled off in 2005. About 23,000 people were reached through school assemblies and a large evangelistic event at the coliseum.

For about ten years I continued to visit Fort Wayne to work with groups of intercessors because their vision for Fort Wayne was and is “city transformation.” They called city wide prayer meetings that have drawn up to 500 people from businesses and churches. It is truly an amazing movement. My good friend, Daisy Bailey, has always been at the center of things. The most recent development is that a 24-hour prayer center has been opened and operating. Think about it! In that prayer center, which is in a tower, someone is always praying over the city!

Great things are happening in America. If you want to get in the flow of it, allow God to wake you early in the morning to pray for America.

It is time to get off your high horse, humble yourself before the mighty hand of God and repent. It’s time to weep for America and for our own sins. Get low before the Lord and let His Holy Spirit wash over you as you pray. In the mighty Azusa Street Revival of 1906, when God’s spirit moved in, the leader of the meetings, Brother Seymour didn’t want to be the focus of the meetings, so he laid on the floor and stuck his head in an apple crate while God moved over the meetings.

Keith Green, the great Christian artist from the 70’s, in his most powerful meeting, got on the floor and crawled under the piano and wept, while the move of God swept over the audience. It is this kind of spirit that we must seek and submit to. Humble yourself before the mighty hand of God. Be willing to “weep,” and ask God to transform America!

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercession, and giving of thanks be made for all men, (2) for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. (3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, (4) who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2: 1-4 NKJV

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In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama

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Photo staged and taken by Lorraine