What is He Like?

I don’t think I would have ever been able to hear God’s voice if I hadn’t first received many lessons in who He is, what He is like. Christians who are new in the faith often have the opinion that God is really demanding, that He is hard to work for, and hard to get along with.

Not so!

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Isaiah 42:3 (NKJV),

A bruised reed He will not break,

and a smoking flax He will not quench

What is this verse saying? It is saying that God is gentle. He is patient. He is interested in healing and restoration. He isn’t impatient with the individual who is bruised. He will not turn His back on the Christian who is not on fire, but only smoking.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:29 (NKJV),

Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me,

for I am gentle and lowly in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

You see? This is what God is like. You never have to worry that He is going to “lose it” when He is dealing with you. You never have to be on edge, that if you don’t get it right away, that if you can’t hear His voice right away, He is going to come down on you.

Never! The opposite is true. You are His workmanship (Ephesians 2:10)! His workmanship!

He has you in His hands continually. I love the picture in Jeremiah 18. The potter set about to make a vessel and somehow the vessel became flawed in his hands. What did He do? He took that lump of clay . . . that is you, and He worked it back and forth, gently in His hands over and over again until the clay was totally pliable. He squeezed that clay so much that it became warm in His hands.

Then He made it again. He lovingly formed that clay into something beautiful . . . and that clay is you!

You see, when you are learning to hear the voice of God, you must remember that you are His workmanship. Can God fail in anything He does? NO! You are His workmanship. He cannot fail when He is working on you. No matter how much you squirm around, protest, talk back to Him, try to crawl off of the potter’s wheel, He is going to succeed.

When He is working on you, He cannot fail! Why?

Because you are His workmanship!

Log in next week for the concluding installment of Learning to Hear the Voice of God, posted right here!

Photos designed and taken by Lorraine