Walking Through

“I decree and declare that by faith I will walk through my trials on dry ground, and my enemies will be drowned.” Hebrews 11:30

“Walking through”, it would be nice “in theory”, if one could avoid the walking through part of the trials of life and just leap to the end destination. Kind of like one of those board games that children play. The kind where you spin a dial like a wheel watching to see how many spaces you can move your little plastic peg. If you are blessed, your little peg lands on a space that reads “Move Ten Spaces Ahead,” thus allowing you to avoid the terrible spaces on the board that read “Go Back Five Spaces” or worse yet, “Go Back to the Beginning.”

Have you noticed the scripture says, “I will walk through”, not running through or leaping through or even sky dive through.

Walking is defined as: to pursue a course of action or a way of life: conduct oneself: behave.

Jesus call us to “walk” with Him and He asks us to make our walk with Him our way of life; our course of action is to walk “through”.

Walking allows one to linger on the past, present and future. It also allows one to have conversations with God and receive revelation, which builds a personal relationship with Him.

The course of action is . . . a greater revelation of God.

The way of life is . . . being led by the Holy Spirit.

The way to conduct oneself is . . . to model Jesus

Ephesians 1:17 “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,”

Galatians 5:25 “If we live by the Spirit, Let us also walk by the Spirit.”

1 John 2:6 “the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked.”

Learning to hear the voice of God requires interaction with God. It means conversing with God as we walk through the challenges of everyday life. It means being intentional about having a surrendered life to the Lord, wanting to be led by the Holy Spirit, and trying to live the life of the Gospels in everything you do. This mind set, sets the stage for the Lord to speak to us and for us to be able hear the voice of God.


Photo taken by Lorraine