The Value of a Calm Spirit

Some mature Christian friends of mine, who have walked with God for many years, say that they don’t hear the voice of God. More specifically, they don’t hear words. They do, however, feel impressions and urgings of the Holy Spirit. So, the bottom line is that they are led by the Spirit of God just the same. They know God wants them to do this or that.

The important thing is to be led by the Spirit of God, to be open to His promptings. Again, Romans 8:14 (NASB) says, “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”

That which fights against us hearing the voice of God, is the noise and confusion of the world that we live in and walk through. It can be difficult to sense or to hear the voice of God in the midst of a lot of noise. So how can we shut out the noise?

By entering into the prayer closet. It is a good practice to be with God early in the morning, before the day starts. There is a poem, which has been set to music that I often sing in a church service. Usually, there are comments, “I’ve never heard that before. Where did you get it?”

I found it on a vinyl LP many years ago. The artist was Lydell. In the credits after the song, The Secret, it says, “author unknown.” I have since learned that the writer of the words is Rev. Ralph Cushman, a Methodist Bishop who died in 1960. There are at least two melodies, or versions of the song. In the poem, Bishop Cushman tells us how to meet with God early in the morning.

I met God in the morning.

     When the day was at its best

And His Presence came as sunrise

     Like a glory in my breast.

All day long His presence lingered,

     All day long He stayed with me

And we sailed in perfect calmness

On a very troubled sea.

Other ships were blown and battered,

     Other ships were sore distressed,

But the wind that seemed to drive them

     Brought to us a peace and rest.

Then I thought of all the mornings

     With a keen remorse of mind,

When I too had loosed the moorings

     And His Presence left behind.

Now, I think I know the secret,

     Learned from many a troubled way

You must seek God in the morning,

     If you really want Him through the day.

The morning, I feel, is the best time to meet God, before the day starts. Being still before God feed your spirit, makes it stronger, and sets a tone of peace and calm that can stay with you through the day. This is what the bishop was talking about when he said, “All day long His presence lingered, all day long He stayed with me, and we sailed in perfect calmness on a very troubled sea.”

Some of you may have to punch a clock very early in the morning and you work hard all day. The challenge of meeting with God, to you will likely be difficult. I would suggest you talk with God about a meeting time. I like early morning, but it doesn’t have to be in the morning. Find a time in your day to get alone, to check into your prayer closet.

When I talk about a prayer closet, it doesn’t necessarily mean a literal prayer close. Your prayer closet is any place that you can shut out the noise of life and be alone with God. A friend of mine worked most of his life at an envelope factory. At lunch time, most of the employees knew where he could be found. There was an area where the paper was stored, like a warehouse section. In this area were large rolls of paper stacked up in rows. Somewhere in the stacks, my friend would be sitting through the lunch period with his Bible open. No one else was in that area, so he was alone, figuratively speaking, in his prayer closet.

The main objective of being alone with God is to shut out distractions so that you can focus on Him and Him alone. If you have never heard His voice, this is likely where you will hear it for the first time, when you have shut out all distractions and your spirit is quiet before Him.

Just to clarify, when I speak of hearing the voice of God, I am not talking about an audible voice. I have never heard an audible voice, although some people have. You hear God with the ears of your spirit man. You hear the words in your mind.

Another way you might find God in a deeper way, is to take a week-end and go somewhere remote, like a cabin in the woods or a Christian retreat center. Take nothing but your Bible and your journal. Shut off your cell phone, or don’t take it with you at all. Don’t watch television. Don’t talk on your cell phone. In other words, shut off all human communications, and just talk with God.

It’s a great experience!

Remember, knowing God is a great adventure!

Keep watching our site for the next installment of Learning to Hear the Voice of God, posted right here!

The photo in this article was taken by Lorraine in Waskish, Minnesota.