Website Progress


A friend warned me about google analytics. He said it was complicated….and confusing.

So a few days ago I thought it was time…to access google analytics. There was a lot of anticipation, and I was more than a little bit nervous about the whole thing. Our web site has been up four full months now. Would I like what I would find, or would I be bummed?

Google analytics is the back end program that allows you to access a web site, and find out who’s been hitting the site.

So I contacted the web master and asked him to fix it so I could access the back end of our site. He sent me a link and “voila!” I was in.

Once I began to peruse the data and figure out what was happening, I was pleasantly surprised. Our web site is new and the numbers are small and we have not pursued advertising yet, but I was pleased with the numbers.

The numbers were good… and intriguing. Monday of this week showed the highest traffic, excluding the first day it was up. That day there were a ton of hits. Monday, however, was a surprise in several ways. It was a high traffic day.


Well, I don’t know why. We had added two new videos, documentary accounts of two of our Reach For More events. But I hadn’t announced the postings to anyone, so how did they find out. The most hits were of the new videos, but just by a slim margin. The home page ranked a close second in hits. Still I don’t know how people found out.

Most of the hits were the result of entering our web address, not by googling, which means most of the visitors saw our web address printed somewhere…. but where? It is mostly published in the newsletters. But over half of our visitors are between 18 and 34 years of age, which does not reflect the age group that receives our letters. Most were new, first time visitors.

Again, a mystery.

Maybe the Lord is helping us?


You! Can Help Us!

(In the style of Dr. Seuss)

By Lorraine

Send it by Text

Send it by E-mail

Send it by Facebook

Send it by Twitter

You could even

send it by Instagram

to a man named Sam

who lives by the ocean in Yucatan

If you can?

You can send it!

Yes you can!

If that all fails…..

well…..send it snail mail

It will only take a few moments

as long as you make it your plan.

Thank you friends!

one and all

short ones, tall ones

near and far ones

You make us smile

When you send it your style and

 let the whole world know

there is so much to see on

New Videos

There is some exciting stuff on our web site, posted recently. We have posted two additional event documentary videos in the media section of the web site. The first one is of the Jordan Reach for More Event. It features the famous rapper, T-Bone, Jesse Smith, the Hip-Hop dancer who danced with Justin Timberlake in a Pepsi Commercial and Brooks Gibbs, a youth speaker whose schedule presently is booked for two years out.

The second video is a documentary of the Osceola, Wisconsin Reach For More. That event drew about 650, 500 of which were teens. This is a city whose population is 2800. This event also features T-Bone, and Brooks Gibbs, but also my personal friend, Dana Scott, one of the best speakers to come out of the Columbine shooting.

These documentary videos are not long. The Jordan, Minnesota video is five minutes long and the Osceola video is a little over eight minutes. These videos will inspire you!


But There Is So Much More

(Did they say more?)

If you have not been to our web site we encourage you to do so. Every week we post one new article. George has been working on a series called learning to Hear the Voice of God. He has written 14 different parts to this teaching. You can find all these teachings and more in the navigation under What’s New.

These are all articles that you will not see in our monthly newsletters. If our monthly newsletter blesses you, then our web site wil be a greater blessing to you.

Our Present Focus

Lorraine is working on a cover design for the first book, Firestorm, which is the fourth chapter of the larger book, The Eye of the Storm. We can’t give you a launch date, but it will be soon. We need a chunk of cash to get it done. Please continue praying for financial increase.

We are also looking at doing some advertising for our web site in the near future. It is important to increase the number of people who visit our site. We want to share the word of the Lord that has been given to us with as many individuals as we can. George and I spend a lot of time praying, discussing and researching the content that we share on our site. We want to do the best we can for the Lord. Please pray for divine appointments, direction and wisdom as we continue to move forward on this new adventure.

Psalm 84:5

Blessed and greatly favored is the man

whose strength is in You.

In whose heart are the highways to Zion.

In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama

All contributions are tax deductible

PDF Version

Photos taken by Lorraine