This Means War
If twenty years ago we could have had a time machine and traveled ahead to March of 2021, very few of us would have believed what we saw. Now, perhaps most of us are in shock, finding it hard to believe what is happening in America. It very much resembles communism that used to be our mortal enemy. Truth is no longer truth. It has become whatever the radical left decides that it is. Communism did that, you know. They defined truth for the people. The problem was that their truth was mainly lies.
People can now decide to be whatever sex they choose to be and practice whatever sexual perversion they desire . . . kind of like “the flavor of the month,” I guess. So the majority of Americans, 90-some percent now, have their rights violated because the perverted values of a few are being legislated upon us and especially on our kids. The left refuses to call Antifa, terrorists, (which they are), but they are quick to call conservatives, domestic terrorists. Some were investigated by the FBI just for attending CPAC. Good is now bad and bad is good (Isaiah 5:20).
But we have God’s truth, the Bible, and these Marxists in power absolutely hate it! “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will never pass away,” God says (Mark 13:31 NIV). Part of the reason that this outrageous depravity has been forced upon us by the present administration is because most Christians don’t know what the Bible says. They seemingly don’t have a clue. They never read it, I guess . . . and they vote for things God hates, things supported and promoted by the Biden Administration.
We are in a culture war . . . the war between those who hold traditional values and the far left, who want God to stay out of their lives.
What is happening in our country has happened before. If you were to study the Roman Empire, you would be amazed at the parallels to our present-day society. The Romans persecuted Christians, largely because their morality was in stark contrast to the moral debauchery of the Romans. Christians continued to stand against abortion and infanticide (the killing of children up to a year old.) At the core of Roman society was sexual perversion of horrific magnitude. Emperors often kept teenage boys in their homes to have sex with them. It was common practice. Sexual debauchery got so bad that traditional marriage became the endangered species in the society.

Christians continued to stand for the truth, even in the face of violent death, such as being thrown to wild animals in the coliseums. Eventually the positive and loving acts of Christians in the society heavily influenced some of the emperors. Constantine became a Christian and legalized Christianity in 312 AD. Valentinian outlawed abortion, infanticide and child abandonment in 374 AD. *
These practices continued, however, illegally, and later the law was reversed by another emperor.
Sexual perversion and the killing of babies was at the core of the Roman Empire just the same as it is at he core of American life today. These things God hates.
You know the story. The Roman Empire came apart at the seams. The Romans were defeated in battle and conquered, but Christianity grew exponentially throughout the world.
So Where IS America Headed?
I am not a Christian Fatalist. A Christian Fatalist believes that God has decided to bring judgment and “wipe out” a nation, as if He is just really mad and is throwing a temper tantrum. They have been reading all the “judgment books,” and are convinced now that we are doomed, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. They are sure that the tribulation is on the doorstep, etc. etc. etc.
Keep in mind that Christians have been predicting the great tribulation and the return of Christ, since Christ’s ascension and they have been 100 percent wrong. The apostles thought Jesus was going to return in their lifetime, the Essenes holed up in a cave around 200 AD waiting for Jesus to return (the same cave where the dead sea scrolls were found). Half the Christians were convinced the millennium bug of 2000 was the end of the world. I could go on and on.
God looks for intercessors to stand in the gap and turn away judgment and I see no time limit on that as long as Christians are on the earth (Ezekiel 22: 30).
In 2 Timothy 2: 1-4, Paul says to pray for leaders and those in authority so we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness . . . because He wants all men (people) to be saved. I don’t see any time limit on that either, as long as there are Christians on the earth.
Most importantly, the gospel must first be preached to all nations (Mark 13:10 ESV). The proper translation of nation is “people group,” any group of people in the world that has its own exclusive language. There are 7000 people groups in the world that have never heard the name of Jesus and 42 percent of the world’s population is unreached. Twenty-five million Americans have never heard the Gospel. We Christians in America have a lot of work to do and we need a sane environment – “quiet and peaceable,” as Paul says, in which to do it. That’s why he told us to pray accordingly.
That’s why I believe God can still save America from Marxism. He is looking for repentance on the part of his people, his church, and a continued crying out to God, a standing in the gap, as intercessors do.
With the news that the House passed HR1, which basically legalizes “voter fraud,” and nearly guarantees Republicans will never win another election, a deep dark feeling of despair settled down on me. God woke me at 3:30 a.m. to pray. I got up and prayed in the Spirit for 45 minutes. The cloud lifted and went away. I don’t know what happened in the spirit world. The point is that we are to never lose hope and always pray and intercede as the Spirit leads us. This is how intercession works, and though probably most of the body of Christ disagrees with me, I don’t think this is it, that this is the beginning of the end. I believe God can still deliver us and if He does, His reason will be so that we can evangelize the rest of the world. I don’t know how or what He might do, but He knows, and I guarantee if and when it happens, it will take the left totally off guard.
I am not an expert in eschatology (end-time things) by a long shot, so of course, I may be totally wrong on this. I don’t like eschatology because I think we should be spending our time winning the lost instead of engaging in endless conversations about the end times.
I am telling you what I believe. Weigh it out for yourselves.
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34 ESV
*Alvin J. Schmidt, How Christianity Changed the World (Zondervan: Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2004), 59.
Thank You!
By Lorraine
We are so thankful for those who made a financial contribution in the month of February. May God multiply what you have given.
We received contributions from four more households. That still leaves 266 households that are currently on our mailing list who are not sending a contribution.
If you are one of those individuals please consider making a contribution today.
In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama
Photos designed and taken by Lorraine
All Contributions are tax deductible