Like A Flood
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59:19 (NKJV)
We have probably all heard this scripture at some time and our hope lies in God who raises up a standard against our enemy, Satan.
But a comma can change everything. Our friends, the Jews, put the comma in a different place. Their rendition of the verse is,
When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.
Isaiah 59: 19 (NKJV)
It is the Lord who brings the “good flood,” not Satan who brings the “bad flood.”
President Zelensky of the Ukraine, in the first few days of the war, said, “Good will win over evil, light will win over darkness . . . “
Is it true? Does good always win. As a friend said to us recently, “I’ve read the end of the book. We win!”
Is it true?
The tide is turning. Good is winning in many areas of our nation and in the world. Who would have dreamed that the Ukrainians would so successfully stand against Russia, the supposed military giant? Could it be God’s justice?
Florida recently handed the sexual perversion movement (WOKE) in our schools a definite set-back. No talk about intimate sexual things until the child is eight years old (which is still too young). Disney’s CEO decided to tell the world what they are really up to, stating that Disney will promote transgender ideology in their programming. In just a couple weeks, Disney has lost 50 billion dollars as their stock has plunged. Justice!
LGBT is only 4% of the population . . . and they want to change our whole society to line up with their perverted sexual ideology. I don’t think so!
Elon Musk has bought Twitter. He stated that the move is not about money; it’s about free speech . . . and the Left is in a panic.
At the same time Obama is flapping his mouth that more censorship is needed to squelch “misinformation,” because Democracy is threatened by this misinformation . . . misinformation according to the party that promotes murder (abortion) and the butchering of innocent babies through partial birth abortion. Bill 1279 has now been passed in Colorado, making it legal to kill the baby after it is born. This is infanticide, a practice widely used by the Roman Empire.
This is Obama’s party . . . and we should trust them to define truth and untruth, or disinformation, as they call it? I don’t think so!
Then there is the brainwashing of our children in schools, trying to convince innocent young people they are transgender. This kind of vicious indoctrination leaves a young person scarred for life . . . wounds that never completely heal.
Recently in an interview, Bill Barr, the Attorney General under Donald Trump, was asked what he feels is the biggest threat to our country. He answered, “The brainwashing of our children in the public schools by the Left.”
Former news anchor, Meghan Kelly, pulled her boys out of private school in New York because they were forced to attend a transgender class, which was confusing them. She said there was definite persuasion to “come over to our side,” by the transgender promoters.
This transgender movement that seems to be everywhere is destroying the lives of thousands of our children.
Helena Kerschner told her story on Tucker Carlson. She is a detransitioner. That means she was a girl, who became a boy, and with terrible regret, went back to being a girl, but in the process was scarred for life, in that, she has parts of her femininity that she can never get back.
This is what Helena Kerschner said about her experience:
It’s completely normal for not only young girls, but young boys too, to feel uncomfortable with themselves and uncomfortable with their body, but we have this ideology that is especially prevalent on-line that says that if you have these feelings, that means you’re trans (transgender). There are literally people who say, if you don’t like your voice on a recording, that’s a sign of gender dysphoria and you need to see a medical professional because you’re trans.
It’s just devastating, especially from a young age to be lied to by adults at school and by medical professionals and told that your body is wrong, you need to change it, you need to get hormones, you need to get surgeries, that’s devastating for a young person . . .
When you go on cross-sex hormones, that’s going to give you, not just physical changes, but psychological experiences, that you can’t just act like they never happened, you can’t just take it back . . .
The International Review of Psychiatry revealed that 80% of those who identify as transgender and seek clinical care will lose their desire to identify as the opposite sex. In other words, the action is just a passing fancy or fad and they will want to go back to who they were. The tragedy is that at this point, irreparable damage has been done.
You may remember, before the 2020 election, the Socialist/Marxist, Bernie Sanders, drew quite a following among Millennials, mainly, I think because he promised to pay off their college loans.
I personally, got a text from a Millennial, asking me to vote for Bernie because, as this young person stated, “Bernie has done so much for us.”
Well, behind the scenes an agreement was made between Biden and Sanders, that Biden would push Bernie’s policies. People who voted for Biden thinking he was a moderate, undoubtedly must have felt betrayed when Joe Biden pursued everything “Far Left.”
So now, we have seen Far Left polices for a year and two months, and it is a disaster. Quinnipiac University Poll uses what has long been considered the gold standard methodology in polling. Their poll shows a 33 percent approval rating for Joe Biden. Approval ratings from the Millennials and Generation Z has seen a huge drop. I hope they will never forget what they have seen and learned about Socialism in the last 14 months.
It doesn’t work! It’s a train wreck!
The Things We Are Working On
Lorraine and I have been busy. First, we have spent about two weeks meeting with contributors and friends in Minneapolis. Fundraising is a vital part of running a ministry, because without adequate funds, obviously there can be no ministry.
Secondly, I have been working on a book for several months. It is about the crisis in our nation and what we can do about it. I am always far too optimistic as to delivery dates. The printer is slow because they do not have enough people working. However, we are nearing the release date. Please pray for a smooth finish. We have $500 pledged toward the project and will need about $1500 additionally to print and mail the books. If you are on our mailing list, you will receive a copy of my book free.
Thirdly, I am working on a radio broadcast on “great Christians from our past.” Why is this so vital? History repeats itself because we don’t know history. I think most Christians are unaware of the great heroes of the faith who got us to where we are now.
Fourthly, it appears that school assemblies may pick up this coming school year. Our school assemblies have a powerful positive effect on students.
Finally, we are about two thirds finished on a music CD project. We need about $3,000 to finish it.
These are projects God has given us to complete. Our desire is to be faithful in all that God has asked us to do.
If you can help us fund these projects, we would be grateful.
Thank you for standing with us.
In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama
All Contributions Are Tax Deductible
Photo designed and taken by Lorraine