By George and Lorraine

As of October 30th, our new website is live!

I explained in a previous newsletter, the process to make the right decision, whether to build the website ourselves, or to hire professionals. After much prayer, we went with 8bitstudio out of Hutchinson, Minnesota….and we are now very happy with the results. Our viewers are also, judging by the many comments that came back to us. We thought you would get a kick out of seeing a few of them.

Sylvia says, “Your website looks great!”

Lenny says, “The site looks good!”

Dan says, “VERY good!! I like it.”

Scott says, “The site looks great. (Scott is a Creative Director for an Ad Agency).”

Matt says, “Awesome!”

Pastor Jeff says, “Nice, George.”

Pastor Terry says, “Looking good.”

Lois says, “Very impressive.”

Kerry says, “Very nice!!:).”

Candy says, “The site is terrific and motivational! We are here for you because you are here for us!”

Jackie says, “So excited about the new website. I saw it! It’s beautiful!”

Jan, a professional editor, wrote: “Your website is very nice. It has a particularly nice, clean, simple look that I find appealing.”

We made the decision to go with a professional builder because we felt it should be of the highest quality we could manage. The first reason is, we strongly believe that if you are doing something for God it should be the highest quality you are able to produce. 2 Timothy 2:15 MSG says, “Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won’t be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple.” The second reason is a cultural reason. It seems in our culture today, especially in larger cities, that those who attend church like to attend facilities that look like they are prospering and if you want to reach the unchurched, quality is a must. The third reason is that we believe that we are sharing God’s word and therefore we need to do it in the most effective way to reach as many individuals as we are able to.

You can find our photos on our site in “Who We Are.”

Click our photos to read our biographies.


What is Next……….?

Three Books.

By George

The website had to be built first, because each book must have an address on it, a home base, where it can be purchased. Otherwise, we are wasting a lot of sale opportunities, if it is not easy to purchase the book. If each book carries the website address, then it also serves to bring the reader to our website. The site will carry ongoing teaching and information, much of it related to why the church as lost nearly the entire present youth generation, and what we can do about it. 

The first book, Firestorm, is the fourth chapter of the larger book, The Eye of the Storm. It will be followed by the release of the full book, The Eye of the Storm. After that we will publish the third book I recently finished. These books must be marketed carefully, because there is a window of time after they are released when the interest is high and we must maximize sales during that time.

Our lives will never be the same. 5 a.m. will now often find me writing a new article for the website!

What’s New

All of the new newsletters and posts can be found in “What’s New” on our site navigation. We invite you to watch weekly for new articles.

Please visit “Media & Resources” to watch a video of one of our largest events.

We want to hear from you! After you have viewed our site we would love to hear your comments. Please email us with your thoughts.

[email protected]

[email protected]


How to Make a Financial Contribution

By Lorraine

You can now make a contribution electronically on our site. On the bottom of each page on our site you will find a contribute button. If you want to send your gift by mail please sent it to P.O. Box 41291, Plymouth, MN 55441

We need your financial contributions to maintain our site, newsletter mailing, and now the printing of books. We ask if you are not already a contributor that you would consider it. There are contributors to our ministry that would like to give more but are only able to give $5.00 a month. They believe in what we are called to do and they want to be a part of the blessing. So…If you think $5.00 a month is silly, think again.

2 Corinthians 9:7 KJB says,

“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart,

not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

Our desire is that what our contributors give to our ministry is given as unto God and it is done with joy. I have been in church services where all I have had to give was pocket change. So, I would give it all because I wanted to give something to God. In the back of my head I thought my pocket change would not impress the church accountant but I was not giving to impress him; I was giving to God.

Mark 12:41-44 NIV is a story of the widow’s offering. Verse 42, But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. 43 Calling his disciples to Him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything-all she had to live on.”

The size of the gift does not matter to God, but what matters is the condition of the heart that is giving it.

We invite you to join us in reaching and teaching people through your giving.

In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama

All contributions are tax deductible


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