
By now, most of you have received a copy of the booklet I wrote, entitled Firestorm. Lorraine and I have, to date, sent out or given away about 250 copies. If you haven’t gotten yours yet, you will.

The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. One morning I received a call from Harry Fritz in Seattle. He and his wife, Brigitte, had read the entire book for morning devotions. “It’s awesome!” he said. “If I send you a list of names, could you send books to them?” He sent 15 names, mostly denominational officials, bishops, pastors, secretaries of ministries . . . spread across the country from Florida to Seattle.

Others responded with excitement:

I got to read your book yesterday. Nicely written. I like the way you intertwined teaching moments.


That book is awesome. I said, “Wow!” I read it all in one shot for our morning devotions.


You are a master story teller.


Thank you for sharing “Firestorm” with us. It was the best, and Lorraine, your artwork was perfect.


I was impressed with all of the marketing that goes into an event like that and how well it was executed.


It’s really quite something!


Wow, I just got George’s book in the mail, it is so beautiful, I am reading it now and there are no words, so impressive!


What is next on our agenda? As I explained, Firestorm is Chapter 3 of the larger book on reaching the unchurched, entitled The Eye of the Storm.

I am going to Minneapolis next week and one of my tasks is to meet with the printer to get the process going on The Eye of the Storm. Then it will be put on the website for sale. You will also be able to order it by sending a check in the small return envelope you get in each newsletter.

I have another book written that we will publish after The Eye of the Storm, and a third book is about two thirds written.

Why all the books? To inform American Christians on the acute crisis that exists among America’s youth. About 96 percent of them don’t know Jesus. Also I write about how to reach them, an area where we are nearly completely missing the mark in America. I don’t have to paint you a picture of what America will look like, if we don’t bring this generation to Christ. We are in many ways following in the footsteps of Great Britain, once saturated with the gospel, due to the work of John and Charles Wesley in the mid-eighteenth century. Church attendance in Great Britain is now about two percent. Ken Ham’s Book, Already Gone, is an excellent history of what happened with the church in Great Britain.

What is on the horizon for our ministry? God has given me ample vision that has possessed me for most of my life, complete with line items.

I will continue to teach and inform via books, radio and the internet.

We need a camera package with lights and accessories that will total about $12,000.00.

When we get it, I will begin posting regular teaching videos on our website, social media and YouTube.

A large Christian radio station has listened to my “pilot” radio spots and they love them. I am in the process of recording 50 spots, so that I can release the campaign, and have some buffer, so I can keep up with what will likely be daily broadcasts.

What about events, you say?

A while back God told me, “No events until you have finished the books.” Well, I have nearly finished the books and now God is again putting cities on my heart for events.


City Transformation Is Attainable

George Otis, Junior has documented many city transformations on video. Otis has identified something like 170 city transformations and stated that only three of them are in the United States.

So what is city transformation? The best way to describe it is to tell you the story of Almalonga, Guatemala 20 years ago. The City was engulfed in extreme poverty and alcoholism. Domestic violence was prevalent and the city built four jails to hold the criminals.

Christians were heavily persecuted. One day a group of thugs put a gun into Pastor Mariano’s mouth and pulled the trigger, but Mariano had prayed and the gun misfired. He called his small flock together for prayer. They fasted three to four days a week and met on Saturday for corporate prayer. Churches began to fill up and mass deliverances occurred.

The town’s industry was the growing of vegetables. Somehow God moved upon the unproductive soil and vegetables began to grow in miraculous volumes. Carrots grew larger than a man’s forearm. The export of vegetables increased from four truckloads a week to 40. Crime virtually disappeared and all four jails were closed.

So what about the United States? Well, I think that what is happening in Fort Wayne, Indiana qualifies for city transformation. They are perhaps, midway in the process.

What are the keys to city transformation? Firstly, there must be fervent prayer. When I came to Fort Wayne to do Reach For More with a number of pastors and leaders of the city, the intercessors had been engaged in focused, fervent prayer for at least 10 years.

The next thing that has to happen is unity among the pastors of the city. They need to come together and pray on a regular basis for their city. Once this has been established, something big, like a city-wide event should happen as a sort of catalyst, a “big boom” on the landscape, so to speak. Then prayer continues. When I came to Fort Wayne to do Reach For More, I didn’t know that I would be traveling back and forth to lead prayer initiatives for nine years. The team of intercessors I worked with identified spiritual strongholds around the city and we pulled them down through prayer.

Next a ministry called Time to Revive came to the city to lead more corporate prayer and then witness in the streets. All of these things added up to increased momentum of the moving of the Spirit of God in the city. In a recent conversation with Daisy, one of the lead intercessors in the city, she said, “People are coming to Christ right and left!”

The most recent report I got from the city was the description of a large, monthly prayer gathering headed up by the president of a large health care system in Fort Wayne. Five hundred people from all churches and all walks of life came together to pray and worship. Five hundred people! That’s a lot of prayer, and a great testimony to the unity that has come to the city.

And that is city transformation!


In His Service

George and Lorraine Halama

All contributions are tax deductible


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Photos designed and taken by Lorraine