Do Not Lose Your Sense Of Destiny
By Lorraine
If you are watching or reading the daily news report, you would probably say that the state of our country and the world does not seem optimistic. In fact you might say it looks very bleak.
I was watching the news last night and the reporter was basically stating that our current struggling economy is about to get worse. Worse than a normal recession.
The economy is only one part of what seems to be a house of cards. There is increasing violence, energy costs that are rising, educational system moral issues, and the list doesn’t end there.
If you are like me, I instantly go into a panic and all the worst case scenarios start flashing across my mind.
And it sounds kind of like this . . .
“This is going to happen and then that is going to happen and then this will probably happen and then . . . KA-BOOM! The world will end!”
But then after that moment I stop myself and remember that God has a plan for my life. No matter what the circumstances around me look like, I need to keep my focus on Him. There is a destiny to be fulfilled.
Some of you may have watched the recent memorial service for Queen Elizabeth II. I watched a lot of the televised footage leading up to the day of her service.
My grandmother’s parent were from England and came to America, gave birth to my grandmother and then at some point returned to England. My grandmother spent much of her early years there before returning to America again.
I have always had an interest in English life and culture as a result. I couldn’t help but feel very moved by the loss of this beloved queen. As I watched, I thought about how Queen Elizabeth lived her life with a sense of destiny.
She was crowned when she was 25 years old and a lot of people believed that she was chosen by God to be Queen. She lived her life with a strong sense of duty to God and her country. At her coronation she believed she only became queen when the Archbishop of Canterbury anointed her with oil.
I am sure the influence of her life on the world is greater than I can ever understand.
You might think that some people are just born being chosen to do great things while the rest of us just have to settle for being . . . not so great.
Kind of like this idea that God has a bag with names in it and He draws one out and says, “The next person with destiny shall be . . . Sally! The rest of the people in the bag will get the consolation prize of being winners on bingo night.”
I think the only thing that makes a person with a destiny different is that they know they have a destiny and they are intentional about fulfilling it. They are intentional about pursuing it.
But shouldn’t we all live our lives with the knowledge that we were created with a purpose, a destiny?
I think so. I do not believe that God created some people to just exist and take up space on the planet. I believe God is intentional in all His creation. Why would God create someone to bear mediocre fruit? He wouldn’t.
“The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.” Proverbs 16:1 (NKJV)
God has given us free will and this means we are responsible for how we prepare out heart. How we prepare our heart will determine how God can use us. It will determine what kind of destiny God can give you, what responsibility He can trust you with.
Jesus says, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” John 15:4 (NKJV)
Jesus continues to say, “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire and they are burned.” John 15:6 (NKJV)
There are many unhappy people in the world. They are disappointed by their life. Maybe you are disappointed by your life. Then ask yourself this question, “Am I abiding in Jesus?”
Many people want blessed lives but they don’t want to have to abide in God. They don’t want to be intentional about pursuing God and actually living according to what the Word of God says.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes before the Father except through me.” John 14:6 (NKJV)
Jesus said He is the way. No other option did He give. No other way did He give. I don’t know about you but I like that Jesus was direct. There is no wondering what He meant. There is no need for a debate.
“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14 (NKJV)
For such a time as this. I don’t think there is another scripture that alludes to destiny more than this one. To me this is Mordecai telling Esther you may have been born for this particular moment in time to fulfill this particular purpose for God. I can feel that Mordecai is laying on a thick dose of “Do you really want to disappoint God?” But there is an urgency in his words, an almost pleading, “Esther please! Please don’t miss this! Don’t miss your destiny!”
I don’t know where you are at in your life. Maybe you think you are too old to have a destiny to fulfill. Age is not a deterrent if you are intentional about abiding in Jesus and are intentional about the preparations of your heart.
As I mentioned earlier, the country and the world seems to be like a house of cards. The news media reports that two-thirds of our country live from pay check to pay check. If you are one of those people you may think it takes all your energy to just survive.
For Such A Time As This!
Do Not Lose Your Sense Of Destiny!
Do not allow what you see going on in your personal life, our country, and our world, to keep your focus off of Jesus. Don’t forget that you were wonderfully made and God has a purpose for your life. Be faithful to the things that prepare your heart. Be intentional about abiding in Jesus.
All you have to say is “Here am I Lord!”
By His grace He will lead you, He will give you wisdom, understanding and revelation. He will open doors for you. When those doors do open, hold your head up high and walk right through them. You are His chosen.
I hope this prayer that I wrote will help encourage you on pursuing your destiny.
Lord Jesus
Lord, I know according to your Word that you have a plan for my life. Forgive me Lord if I have disappointed you and have failed to bear the fruit you have so desired and longed for me to bear.
I come before you Lord and ask that you show me how to prepare my heart in a way that is pleasing to you.
I want to abide in you Lord. Help me to be intentional in abiding in you everyday of my life.
Lord open doors for me and give me the courage to step through those doors.
Lord help me to keep my focus on you and do not let me miss the destiny that you have purposed for my life.
In Jesus’ name
In His Service,

George and Lorraine Halama
Photo designed and taken by Lorraine