The Divine Force Within You

I used to have a negative opinion of miracles. It is doubtless because of how some preachers presented them on their radio broadcasts. Some preachers would come on the radio and say over and over again how to “receive your miracle-ah.” You probably know what I mean. You may have heard some shouting preacher on the radio who adds an “ah” on the end of every word.

This kind of preaching would turn me off big time, and usually I would change the station on the radio quite quickly. They sounded like used car salesmen selling the precious things of God. Also, without exception, a condition of “receiving your miracle” was to send them money.

Well, you understand what I am talking about. Enough of that!

Early this morning as I was reading in a book I have of Smith Wigglesworth’s* sermons, he said something that casts an entirely different viewpoint on miracles. He said,

“As Christ dwells in your heart by faith, there is a divine force, the power of limitless possibilities, within you.”

Why is that?

Well, think about it. God created the worlds through Christ (Hebrews 1:1). In other words, Jesus created your world, everything that you see. Everything that you touch, taste, and handle, Jesus either created or he created the raw materials with which men built certain things in your world. Now, the Bible says, this same Christ who created the worlds lives within you if you know Jesus as your Savior. Wigglesworth brings our attention to the fact that because Jesus, the creator of all things, lives within you, therefore all things are possible (Galatians 2:20).

So why wouldn’t miracles, that is events that defy natural laws, occur in your life? If you fully believe in and embrace the power that dwells within you, the person of the living Christ, then miracles will occur.

Lorraine and I have experienced some miracles and I fully believe that going forward miracles will occur again and again in our daily experience. Why wouldn’t they? Apparently, the force that sets them in motion is the full belief of the individual that they will indeed occur.

A few months ago, our printer ran out of ink. We were printing the newsletter, about two thirds into the run, when the printer ran out of ink. We didn’t, at that time, have the money to buy a new cartridge for the printer.

Lorraine said to me, “What do we do now?”

“We’ll just have to mail out what we’ve got and wait and see what transpires in the next few days,” I said.

A few days later the very yellow cartridge that we needed supernaturally materialized in our office. It was brand new, and in the box.**

“Impossible!” you say.

No, not impossible! With God all things are possible. Remember, if you are a Christian and know Jesus, the living Christ who created the world you live in, now dwells inside of you. Why wouldn’t you see miracles materialize before your very eyes?

The only thing that stops miracles from happening in your life is your own unbelief. If you operate in the natural, and believe only in the natural, then you are stopping the miraculous from happening. It is really as simple as that. 

We have experienced other miracles. Returning from a trip to a town north of us, we somehow got home in about 45 minutes less time than it takes to drive that route, and we were driving the speed limit. How did that happen? It was a miracle. Since it happened to us, we have told others about it, and two individuals confessed that the very same thing happened to them.

While I was serving in the Army at Fort Hood, Texas, I often visited a church in Waco, Texas. The founder of the church once told me of a miracle he had experienced. Leaving the house one day with his wife to run an errand, he suddenly realized he had left his keys in the house and locked the door behind him. He turned and spoke to the door, “Open, in the name of Jesus.” The locked door swung open, all by itself!

The miracle that will always mean so much to me was one that happened when I was in my late thirties. It is so meaningful because it saved untold hardship for those I loved most in the world. It was early June and in my hometown of Waskish there had been no rain in a long time. It was dry, so dry that there was no water for the wild rice crop. If they didn’t get rain within the next week, there would be no crop and that spelled disaster.

In Minneapolis where I lived, I cried out to God and asked Him to send four inches of rain. When I went to the farm that weekend, it had rained . . . four inches. As we sat around Mother’s table for the noon meal on Sunday, my Dad was quite excited. “There was a coffee can sitting by the chicken coop and it had almost exactly four inches of rain in it,” he exclaimed.

The crop was saved, the year was saved. It was a grand time around the table that day.

Well, miracles are amazing. They awaken in us a wonderful awe of the mighty God we serve. Why not believe in miracles and let Jesus perform them in your life? If you do that, you will be one step ahead in your Christian walk.



*Smith Wigglesworth was a plumber, turned preacher, who was born in 1859. Smith had a miraculous healing ministry. During his lifetime he raised eight people from the dead.

**See the April 2020 newsletter on our website for the complete story of this miracle.

Photo designed and taken by Lorraine