Things Just Don’t Look the Same

Since the onset of the Coronavirus in our country, this has become a time of adjustments. The adjustments seem to be everyday and we have no idea what we are going to be asked to adjust to from one day to the next. It creates an emotional sense of instability which causes fear.

People are buying things in mass quantities because they are afraid. They want to be prepared. It may seem irrational but fear is real and I would guess that if most people were honest they would say they had fear.  But I am not writing this to talk about everything you have heard through the media.

Everybody’s circumstances are different. Some people are teachers, now teaching online. Many people have children that are having to do online learning and many people are working from home. Some people have elderly family members in care centers and some have family out of town. My list can go on but you get my point. Everyone’s circumstances are different, so I am going to share my thoughts from my own perspective.

All I know is there is a lot of negative things to focus on and that will drive fear in our lives, but I am trying to focus some of my energy on things that are positive. Because I can sit and think about hundreds of things that could make me panic, but when I put my energy into something positive, then fear isn’t as powerful.

Normally our lives are so full of activities that we don’t stay in one place for more than 30 minutes at a time. So now most of us are staying home, and what is something positive that we can do at home?

Maybe you have time to tackle a project that you never have had time for. Calling loved ones and staying connected will help everyone feel that things have some sense of normalcy. This time at home might be the time to really be with the Lord. Pray for people and pray for people to come into salvation and receive Christ into their lives.

I limit how much media news I listen to and I am particular about guarding myself from the fear that others are feeling. I have the mindset that this is their fear and not mine and to not take it on and make it my own.

I hope this article will encourage you in all the adjustments you are making at this time.

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


Photo taken by Lorraine