May 20th, 2008 is a day in my life that I will never forget. I was invited to a deliverance prayer meeting on a hobby farm in Horace, North Dakota. I can not begin to explain how different I felt. How can one describe such a deliverance?

I experienced the hand of God move in my life and he literally put a new heart in me and gave me a new spirit and as scripture says He caused me to walk in His statues, and to keep His ordinances. My thinking changed and it came into alignment with the Word of God. It didn’t happen all at once but over a short period of time my thinking changed on many subjects without my trying to change my thinking.

For example, for many years up to the point of my deliverance, I believed abortion was the woman’s right. I thought if a woman wanted an abortion for any reason that that was okay. I was pro-choice. I remember a few days after my deliverance experience thinking that I still believed that abortion was okay and I knew that Christians are pro-life. There was this part of me that could see that this was going to be a problem in my Christian walk but I didn’t know how to change my mind. I am thinking it was about six months later and I realized that suddenly I was pro-life. In my heart and mind there was no question about what was right and what was wrong. No one had to convince me or beat me over the head to change my mind or my heart.

I even use to believe that the Word of God was not an absolute truth because it was written by man. That thinking also changed without someone telling me I was wrong in my thinking.

The Lord had given me a new heart and a new spirit and he was causing me to walk in His statues and follow His ordinances. When the Lord gives you a new heart and a new spirit it will cause you to believe that His Word is truth.

I notice that many people are basing their truth on what they think is logical. it seems that maybe these individuals are “waiting” for someone or something to “prove” to them, to appeal to their logic, for them to change their minds on many spiritual subjects. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. These individuals will be waiting a long time for that to happen.

Logic can be relative. What seems logical to one person may not be logical to another. Due to this, logic isn’t necessarily truth. It could be seen as a truth to you but an untruth to another. You have to base your logic on some kind of truth. “Well . . . I just think.” is not a truth. If you “just think” what truth are you basing it on? The truth your parents taught you? The truth a teacher in school taught you? The truth you “just” determine in your mind? Then are these people your God? Because you are allowing their truth to be your truth and not God and His Word.

You can not pick the scriptures you like in the Bible as your truth and ignore the others. The Word is very specific about what is sin and what isn’t. Yes, the Bible does say that God is love and love your neighbor as yourself. However, God doesn’t overlook sin. He loves the sinner but not the sin. God gives us free will and we are responsible to him for repenting of our sin and asking forgiveness of our sin.

His will for you is to put in you a new heart and a new spirit so you will walk in His statues and keep His ordinances and do them.

If you would like the Lord to bring you a new heart and a new spirit please pray with me,

Dear Jesus,

I know that I am a sinner and I repent of my sins and ask for your forgiveness. I ask that you give me a new heart and a new spirit so I will walk in Your statues and keep Your ordinances and perform them in my life to the glory of You. Let all of my heart and soul love you so that I may live.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Be encouraged and blessed