1 Chronicles 11: 10 Now these are the chiefs of David’s mighty men, who gave him strong support in his kingdom, together with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the Lord concerning Israel.
George and I have been married for nine years and in that time I have taken much care to honor my husband on Veterans day for his service in the United States Army as a Chaplins Assistant during the Vietnam War. In my efforts to find a Veterans Day Service, I found one in Fargo, North Dakota at the Fargo Air Museum. I liked what I read about the program details and suggested to him that we should go and we did.
It was joyous, it was sad and insightful and in the midst of it all God met me there with a profound experience I shall never forget.
It has been many years since George wore his Army green and served his country. In the nine years George and I have been married I have known him as my husband, I know him as evangelist, preacher, teacher and prayer warrior. We navigate life together serving God and being followers of Jesus. We pray together. We talk and debate scripture. We talk and debate politics. We create music together and we create crafts together. He has told me what it has meant to be a son and what it means to be a father through his stories.
Likewise, George has shared with me his Army stories, photographs and music he wrote at that time of his life. I have also met some of his Army friends that he either met in the Army while he served, or friends that you meet along the road in life that also have served in the Army.
All of this paints a pretty good picture of what that time of George’s life was like when he served in the Army, but on Veterans Day of 2024 I met for the first time,George, the soldier.
At the end of the Veterans Day service our attention was directed towards and open door where the color guard stood ready to fire the traditional three-volley salute for the deceased soldiers. We all stood and I held George’s right hand while they fired the shots because I always jump at the sound of the rifles. However, on the third shot that was sounded I let go of his hand. Then the sound of a trumpet from another corner of the room began to play taps and without hesitation George’s posture changed and he threw his right hand up to his forehead in a salute with all the other veterans that were there.
It was then that I met George the soldier for the very first time. In that moment I believe I felt in that almost three seconds what every wife of a drafted man or deployed soldier feels. I was in awe and greatly humbled as I realized the call on every man or woman who has ever served their country. The call to be willing to die for your country if that is what is needed.
George served in the Army for two years but George has never stopped being a soldier. It doesn’t matter how long you serve. Once a soldier you are always a soldier.
There was a Vietnam Veteran that spoke at the service. He was a purple heart recipient who served in the United States Marine Corps. He said something to the affect of , “Without the veteran we would not have our freedom.”
This caused me to think about King David of Israel in the Bible. Israel would not be if it had not been for all the men that fought for Israel. There wouldn’t be any stories about King David in our Bible. 1 Chronicles 11: 10 – 47, lists the names and some of their credentials of the thirty might men of David. It seems that these were not run of the mill men, they are described as if they were a force that couldn’t be tangled with. Just reading about them is enough to make you uneasy.
But you certainly didn’t win battles with just thirty mighty men. No matter how ruthless they sound. In 1 Chronicles 12: 23-37 we learn of numbers of soldiers prepared for battle. The soldiers who were ready to die for God, King and Country if need be to ensure the freedom of the people of Israel.
It was those men, the ones that have no name in our Bible that made it possible for the people of Israel to have their country today. It was those men that made it possible for us to read the stories of King David. It was those men that made it possible for Christ to be born out of the linage of King David. It was those men that helped us to ensure our Salvation if we ask Christ into our hearts.
These nameless men, some who died for God, King and Country probably had no idea how important being a solider was for not just their people but for all mankind.
George served his Army stint in Fort Hood, Texas as a Chaplins Assistant. He didn’t witness the horrors of war in Vietnam, but he did what his country required of him.
I take my role as wife before God very seriously. I get the privilege not to only care for the husband God gave me but also to care for God’s soldier. To make sure God’s soldier is honored before God because doing so I have also honored God. God gave me a glimpse of who George the solider is. I think if we could see every Veteran that way we would appreciate our freedom in the United States of America more.
Photo taken by Lorraine of George at the Fargo Air Museum in Fargo, North Dakota